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Mission Statement

Education and research concept

The 21st Century is a time in which humankind, in all its diversity, must construct a new civilization that can co-exist harmoniously on this earth with nature. The role that art has to play within this challenge has become increasingly important. Since ancient times, art, with its variety of cultivated techniques and wisdom has intrinsically and creatively linked mankind and nature. In order to develop talented people capable of shouldering the universal significance of such art, this university follows the three education and research concepts outlined below.

1. To promote the education and research of art as “creative activities” based on the traditions of the university

Education and research of art must in itself be a creative activity. Since its founding, our university has been at the starting point of human creativity, and has pursued the ideal of research and education in the arts as a contribution to society and culture as a whole. In order to open-up new prospects in higher arts education in Japan, the university aims to emphasize the nurturing of the power of free and rich expression, and promote multidisciplinary research across artistic specialisms. Furthermore, the organic linking of theoretical and practical aspects of art education supports the development of the university as a flexible “place of creation” for education and research.

2. To maintain and develop the advanced education of excellent scholars

A properly equipped creative environment of appropriate size is necessary for the nurturing of the spirit and technique of artistic creation. This university offers an advanced educational environment supported by specialist educators, researchers, and artists at the top of their particular fields in art and music. It supports the intimate and rich communication between faculty and students, as well as maximizing the students’ own self-discovery and development through active exchanges across the fields.

3. To become an artistic and cultural hub that is linked to the local community and makes the most of the special characteristics of Kyoto as a cultural capital

As well as being a cultural capital that has fostered the arts and culture of Japan, Kyoto is also the center of international exchange that has actively expanded and advanced academic research and industry. While being firmly grounded in the cultural soil of Kyoto, this university has a dynamic and creative perspective in regards to the various fields of art, science, and industry, and it aims to exist at the very forefront of international art creation and exchange.