International Students Handbook
This handbook features necessary information for international students to start their campus life at our university. Please make sure you understand and utilize what is written in this handbook. You may encounter difficulties or things you may not understand during your stay as a student in Japan since the system and customs are different than in those of your own country. Times like that are when you should take a look at this handbook. Feel free to consult with any of the campus offices listed in the handbook if you have any questions.
The campus offices will provide support for international students to achieve successful campus life.
Table of Contents
1.Admission/ Tuition Fees
【Process for Non-degree Research Student Admission】
Admission Process Timeline
International students to be admitted in April: End of March
International students to be admitted in October: End of September
Note: Detailed timeline will be provided together with a letter of acceptance.
Note: Your admission may be cancelled if the admission process is not completed during this period.
Required Documents
The applicant must present the following documents (1) – (7) to the campus office registrar during the admission process period.
Letter of Acceptance | – |
Passport | – |
Resident Card | The card that you received at the airport upon entering Japan, or an Alien Registration Card |
A copy of Resident Certificate | Once your residence is determined, visit the Ward Office to register your residence and receive a Resident Certificate. Submit a copy to our office. |
National Health Insurance Card | Sign up for National Health Insurance at the Ward Office. |
A head shot for student ID card | 3cm long x 2cm wide |
Admission Fee of 84,600 yen | Please have the exact amount ready. |
* If you have not yet received (4) and (5), please bring them by the first day of your class.
* The admission certificate will be issued once the application has been completed.
【Admission process for Master’s and Doctoral (Second Semester) Programs】
You will be notified when you have passed the admission exams.
【Payment of Tuition Fees】
Tuition payment slip will be given during the orientation. Please pay the following amount by the indicated dates.
First Semester: 267,900 yen Due by May 1st
Second Semester: 267,900 yen Due by October 31st
Note: By the following weekday if the due date falls on a weekend or holiday.
Note: Our University has a two-semester (first and second semesters) system.
2.Courses and Researches/University Rules and Important Reminders
【Graduate School of Arts International Students】
Submission of “International Student Registration”
Be sure to submit the “International Student Registration” and “Agreement on publication on the university website and other media” which were provided to you at the time of admission process.
Graduate School of Arts Courses in Master’s and Doctoral (Second Semester) Programs
Please see the “Course Guide” or “Syllabus” for courses for international students enrolled in the Master’s and Doctoral (Second Semester) Programs.
Courses for international non-degree research students
International non-degree research students at the university are students who are not obtaining a degree. There is no class schedule. Research students do not take classes but conduct research and studio work on their own schedule based on their research theme. They are allowed to attend undergraduate level lectures. Please consult with the School of Arts registrar if you wish to do so.
Research Plan (研究計画書kenkyu keikaku sho)
Non-degree research students must create a research plan at the beginning of the first and second semesters. Consult and confirm with your research supervisor and submit the plan to the School of Arts registrar by the indicated dates.
Research Report (研究報告書 kenkyu houkoku sho)
Non-degree research students must create a research report at the end of the first and second semesters. The report must be verified by their research supervisor and be submitted to the School of Arts registrar by the indicated dates.
Note: Be sure to take a photocopy of the report before submission and keep your copy in a safe place. It may be required to be submitted to the Immigration Bureau at the time of visa application.
Communications regarding classes in the Faculty of Fine Arts and Graduate School are posted on the “Faculty of Fine Arts Bulletin Board”. Communications concerning international students are posted on the “International Student Bulletin Board” in front of the Academic and Student Affairs Office.
Pay attention and check the bulletin boards constantly as all general communications are posted on bulletin boards. In case the students need to be contacted individually, the university will contact the point of contact listed on the “International Student Registration”.
【Graduate School of Music International Students】
Submission of “International Student Registration”
Be sure to submit the “International Student Registration” provided during the orientation.
Graduate School of Music Courses in Master’s and Doctoral (Second Semester) Programs
Please see the “Course Guide” or “Syllabus” for courses for international students enrolled in the Master’s and Doctoral (Second Semester) Programs.
Courses for international non-degree research students
International non-degree research students at the university are students who are not obtaining a degree. There is no class schedule. Research students do not take classes but conduct research and do lessons on their own schedule. They are allowed to attend undergraduate level lectures. Please consult with the School of Music registrar if you wish to do so.
Research Plan (研究(けんきゅう)計画書(けいかくしょ))
Non-degree research students must create a research plan at the beginning of the first and second semesters. Consult and confirm with your research supervisor and submit the plan to the Graduate School of Music registrar by the indicated dates.
Research Report (研究(けんきゅう)報告書(ほうこくしょ))
Non-degree research students must create a research report at the end of the first and second semesters. The report must be verified by the research supervisor and be submitted to the School of Music registrar by the indicated dates.
Note: Be sure to take a photocopy of the report before submission and keep your copy in a safe place. It may be required to be submitted to the Immigration Bureau at the time of visa application.
Communications regarding classes are posted on the “Faculty of Music Bulletin Board”.
Communications concerning international students are posted on the “International Student Bulletin Board”. Pay attention and check the bulletin boards constantly as all general communications are posted on bulletin boards.
In case the students need to be contacted individually, the university will contact the point of contact listed on the “International Student Registration”.
【University Rules/Important Reminders】
Notify the Graduate School of Fine Arts and Graduate School of Music registrars in the following cases.
Change in phone number and e-mail address | Notify the university immediately upon change. The university may need to reach you for important notifications, such as inquiry about scholarships and visa status. |
Change in address | Notify the university immediately upon change. The university may need to mail important documents to you. Be sure to change your address on your Resident Card, Residence Certificate and National Health Insurance Card at the Ward Office or branch office in your new residence area within 14 days. |
When taking a leave of absence, returning to school or withdrawing from school | Notify the university at the time you decide to leave, return or withdraw from school. Note: The university does not allow a leave or return to school for non-degree research students. |
Notify the Student Support Office in the following case.
When travelling abroad When temporarily going home to your country |
Submit the “Overseas Travel Notification (海外渡航届)”. |
Usage of art studios or lesson studios in Music Studios
Follow the “Rules regarding the usage of the facility” described in the course guide for the Graduate School of Arts and Graduate School of Music.
Term of study for non-degree research students
The term of study is generally a year which can be extended to two years at maximum. In order to be qualified as a candidate for international student for regular courses (Master’s Program), you must have had been enrolled as a non-degree research student for more than six months at the time of application or a former international student who had been enrolled at the university for a year or more in the past.
Note: The application requirements list for international student for regular courses (Master’s Program) is available in early July each year.
Student I.D. Card
A Student I.D. Card is provided during the orientation. The Student I.D. Card is a proof of your enrollment at the university. Do not lose it and carry it with you at all times.
Students can purchase commuter passes and tickets for art museums with a student discount by presenting the Student I.D. Card. Have the Student I.D. Card reissued if lost.
3.Reduction or waiving of tuition fees/Financial Aids/Scholarships
【Reduction or waiving of tuition fees】
Reduction or waiving of tuition fees is a system where the tuition fees are reduced or waived when they cannot be paid after being admitted to the university due to unavoidable circumstances. The student must apply to the university and the university will review the economic situation.
Students can apply for tuition reduction/waiver twice a year. When the application form is provided and submission date will be posted on the bulletin board. Be sure to apply at the Student Support Office during the application period.
【Financial Aid/ Scholarships】
There is no financial aid/scholarships available from our university, but there are various types of financial aid/scholarship systems available, including honors scholarships for privately-financed international students and financial aid/scholarships from different organizations.
Note: There is no financial aid/scholarships for non-degree international research students. (Only non-degree research students from Taiwan who are planning to take the Master’s program at the Graduate School in the following year can apply for scholarship by the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association.)
Please ask the Student Support Office for more details about reduction or waiving of tuition fees, financial aids/scholarships.
Check the international students bulletin board often as tuition-related information will be posted.
Residence eligibility is a qualification required for you to stay in Japan as a student. Once you have acquired a residence eligibility “Residence Card” will be issued. This is an important document that works as your identification. Carry it with you at all times and do not misplace it. Use caution as you will need to apply for or renew your visa if you overstayed in Japan after the period indicated on your Residence Card or do activities other than being a “Student”.
Expiration of “Student” Resident Eligibility
Once you have graduated, completed, withdrawn, been expelled or taken a leave from our university, you will lose your “Student” resident eligibility and you must immediately return to your country. Even if time is left in the period of stay, once you have graduated, completed, withdrawn, been expelled or taken a leave from our university, you won’t be able to stay in Japan with a “Student” resident status.
Before departing Japan, submit the “Notification concerning an organization for the activity” to the Immigration Bureau within 14 days of departure, notifying them that you are leaving Japan.
If you still have time in the period of stay, explain your situation to the immigration officer at the time of departure and notify the officer of revoking the resident eligibility. When departing Japan, you must fill in and submit an Embarkation Card.
Residence eligibility revocation system
Your residence eligibility will be revoked if you have stayed more than three months without doing the activity permitted by residence eligibility. With “student” residence eligibility, if you do not study at a university, or continue to stay in Japan after you have graduated, completed, withdrawn, been expelled or taken a leave, your residence eligibility will be subject to revocation.
Once your residence eligibility is revoked, you will be deported on the same day in the case of a serious offense and won’t be able to enter Japan for the next five years. If you are planning to withdraw or take a leave from the university, contact the Graduate School of Fine Arts and Graduate School of Music registrars in advance.
Activities other than permitted under the status of residence (part-time jobs)
Permission is required if you wish to do activities (employment/part-time work) other than permitted under the residence status in Japan. If you conduct activities that are not permitted under your residence status, you may be subject to a probe for alleged violations and other crimes. If you wish to work part-time, you must acquire permission for activities other than permitted under the status of residence and work within a range of permission, such as the line of work and work hours.
Renewing the period of stay
When renewing the period of stay, confirm with the Immigration Bureau regarding required documents in advance.
If you require certificates from the university, keep in mind that it will take approximately three days before they can be issued.
Renewal of the period of stay can be applied three months before expiration date. Check the expiration date of your residence status and begin renewal procedure early.
Where to apply for renewal of period of stay and activities other than permitted under the residence status
Osaka Regional Immigration Bureau, Kyoto Branch Office
Location: 1-29-53 Nankou Kita, Suminoe-ku, Osaka City, 559-0034 Osaka
TEL:075-752-5997 FAX:075-762-2121
Notification of residence
You must notify your nearest Ward Office or branch office of your residence within 14 days of entering Japan. You must also notify the office of address change within 14 days of moving. Residence eligibility is subject to revocation if you did not notify the address change.
5.Daily Life
Enrollment for National Health Insurance
All international students who will stay in Japan for more than three months must sign up for National Health Insurance. You will pay 30% of actual medical cost by enrolling for National Health Insurance. You will need to pay the premium in order to enroll for the insurance, but you will be able to receive medical services at a low cost when injured or sick. Residence Card will be required to enroll for the insurance. Visit the Ward Office or branch office of your residence to enroll.
National Health Insurance financial support for international students
Through the Kyoto City International Foundation, privately-financed international students who are staying in Kyoto for more than six months can receive 700 yen per month as a financial support for National Health Insurance. You must reside in Kyoto City in order to receive this support.
Please inquire at the Student Support Office for more details.
Kyoto City International Foundation
Location: 2-1 Torii-cho,Awataguchi, Sakyo-ku Kyoto,606-8536 JAPAN.
TEL: 075-752-3010
Enrollment for student insurances
Students must enroll for two insurances listed below.
(1) Disaster and Accident Insurance for Student Education and Research
This insurance will be applied when the student is injured as the result of an accident or disaster during their educational research activity at the university. All enrolled students must sign up at the time of admission to the university.
When injured, immediately notify the university health office to start a claim for the insurance.
(2) Liability Insurance for Student Education and Research
This insurance compensates damage caused by a student on others or damaged properties during class, university event, volunteer work or transit. All enrolled students must sign up at the time of admission to the university.
There is no dormitory for students at the university. International students will have to find an apartment or homestay near the university. The university cannot arrange residence to every international student. Ask your acquaintances who live in Japan for advice or search using realtors. Apartment rentals and realtors are shown on , the apartment search website on the International Students STUDY KYOTO Network.
Joint guarantor when leasing an apartment
You will need a joint guarantor when leasing an apartment in Japan. International students who cannot find a joint guarantor can make a contract with the realtor by paying a membership fee to the housing services organization for international students in the Kyoto region. Contact the Consortium of the Universities in Kyoto for membership procedure and issuance of membership card.
The Consortium of Universities in Kyoto
Location: Campus Plaza Kyoto Higashishiokouji-cho 939,
Nishinotouin-dori Shiokouji sagaru Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, 600-8216
TEL: 075-353-9164
*the materials you have to bring;
・Student ID Card (certificate of acceptance )
・Membership fees: Graduated students (Master/Doctor) 9,000 yen
Research Students 4,500 yen
【Student Discount】
Discount Fares (Commuter Pass)
When commuting using a commuter pass for public transportation, including trains, subways or buses, a discount fare will be applied. Present the Student I.D. Card at the station when purchasing the commuter pass.
Note: Non-degree research students are not eligible for commuter train pass, but eligible for Kyoto Municipal Subway, Kyoto City Bus and Keihan Kyoto Kotsu Bus.
JR fare discount for students (Student Discount)
When a student travels using the JR lines (including sea routes and bus), 20% discount will be applied when travelling more than 100km one way. Apply at the Student Support Office with your Student I.D. Card to apply for this discount.
Note: This does not apply to non-degree research students.
Other student discounts (Campus members)
When the Student I.D. Card is presented, the admission fees for permanent exhibitions will be free and special exhibitions will be discounted at Kyoto National Museum (Kyoto City), National Museum of Modern Art (Kyoto City), National Museum of Art (Osaka City), National Museum of Modern Art (Tokyo), National Museum of Western Art (Tokyo) and National Art Center (Tokyo). There are some facilities in Kyoto City where you can receive a discount by presenting a “mobile membership card” and Student I.D. Card.
Note: See flyers for more information on how to acquire a mobile membership card.
【Issuance of Certificates】
Contact the Student Support Office for issuance of certificates of enrollment, transcript, diploma (certificates of enrollment or period of enrollment for non-degree research students). They can be issued both in Japanese and English.
A fee of 350 yen per copy is required for alumni.
Postage fees will additionally apply for request of issuing certificates from abroad. Requesting issuance before returning to home country is highly recommended.
6.Yearly Schedule/University Events
【Yearly Schedule】
“Academic Calendar” with schedule for one academic year is in the course guide.
Semester, exam and art exhibition periods, recitals, Five-University of Arts festival, university of arts festival, no-school and no-classroom-usage periods are listed in “Academic Calendar”.
Be sure to check the calendar as students are not allowed to enter art or music studios especially during the university of arts festival and no-school and no-classroom-usage periods.
【University Events/ International Students-related Events】
Five-University of Arts Festival (Five University of Arts Sports and Cultural Exchange)
A joint university festival held in turn at five national universities of arts in Japan (Kyoto City University of Arts, Kanazawa College of Art, Tokyo University of the Arts, Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music and Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts).
The festival is held in the end of May each year. The event features exhibitions, concerts, a dance party and sports team competitions.
University Festival
A university festival held at our university. The festival is held over three days on a weekend in early November. Mainly the students work on the planning and operation of this festival.
Note: There is no class during the University of Arts Festival. There is no class the day after the festival due to clean up.
International Students Exhibition
A group exhibition where non-degree research students and exchange students in the Graduate School of Arts and international students in the Master’s program participate. There will be an explanation by the project manager to international students about the exhibition in the beginning of the second semester.
International students will be asked to confirm their intent to submit art work by the end of October.
International Students Social Events
A social gathering for international students, faculty and Japanese students. The event is held three times a year.
International students are encouraged to attend these events.
Photographs from the Welcome Party for fall semester international students.
7.Campus Offices
At our university there are staff and offices for different objectives as follows:
Please consult at the following offices if you have questions and concerns regarding academics and campus life.
【Student Office and Academic and Student Support office】
美術(びじゅつ)教務(きょうむ)担当(たんとう)・音楽(おんがく)教務(きょうむ)担当(たんとう)…2nd Floor of Central Administration Building
- Courses, studio work, lessons and research
Course registration/studio class registration, timetable/curriculum/acquiring credits
Course completion exams/Master’s program performance exams, research plan/research report/Notice of absence - Admission, taking leave or withdrawal
*Non-degree research students are not eligible to take leave. - Exchange program
*Non-degree research students are not eligible for the exchange program. - Status of residence
- Usage of art studios, music studios and auditorium (directions for use, how to complete the application form for permission to use the facility and lending the keys)
- Notification of change in contact information (address, phone number and e-mail address)
- Faculty office hours (hours students can go ask questions or consult with faculty in their offices)
Open hours: 8:30 AM~5:15 PM(Mon.-Fri./1:15-2:15 is a lunch break)
TEL: 075-334-2220 E-mail:
TEL: 075-334-2220 E-mail:
【Student Support Staff】
学生(がくせい)支援(しえん)担当(たんとう)…2nd floor of Central Administration Building
- Campus life and activities
- Financial aids/scholarships and reduction/waiving of tuition fees
- Certificates
- Housing issues (joint guarantor when renting an apartment)
Open hours: 8:30 AM~5:15 PM(Mon.-Fri./1:15-2:15 is a lunch break)
TEL: 075-334-2211 E-mail:
【Student Counseling Office】
学生(がくせい)相談室(そうだんしつ)…2nd floor of Central Administration Building
A professional counselor will provide consultation on any issues you may have regarding campus life, including academics, the future, friendships, relationships and worries. By appointment only.
* Make an appointment to the Health Office by phone (075-334-2212)
Consultation time: Tue. 12:00-4:00PM/Thu. 1:00-5:00PM
TEL: 075-334-2220 E-mail:
【Health Office】
保健室(ほけんしつ)…2nd floor of Central Administration Building
Annual health checkup is provided to check the health of the students.
Student health consultations and first aid treatment are provided in case of injury or illness.
Open hours: 8:30 AM~5:15 PM (Mon.-Fri.)
TEL: 075-334-2212
【Campus Harassment Consultation Office】
キャンパス・ハラスメント相談(そうだん)窓口(まどぐち)…2nd floor of Central Administration Building
There are offices inside and outside of campus where students can consult or report harassment that has occurred on campus.
Note: See the Student Support bulletin board for office locations and phone numbers.
【International Office】
国際交流室(こくさいこうりゅうしつ) …3rd floor of Central Administration Building
The office provides consultations on study abroad and any concerns from international students.
Consultations can be provided in English for international students who are not fluent in Japanese.
International exchange events are regularly held to promote interactions among international, Japanese students and faculties.
Open hours: 12:00~5:00PM (Mon.-Fri.)
TEL: 075-334-2721 E-mail:
* Make an appointment by E-mail
【Career Design Center (CDC)】
キャリアデザインセンター…2nd floor of Central Administration Building
A career consultation office. The office provides advice on questions and concerns regarding job hunting and activities as an artist or musician. The information on career events and job opportunities are on the Career Center website.
Open hours: 9:00AM~5:00PM(Mon.-Fri./1:15-2:15 is a lunch break)
TEL: 075-334-2348 E-mail:
【Admissions Office】
入試(にゅうし)担当(たんとう)…2nd floor of Central Administration Building
An office where you can inquire about the undergraduate/graduate school (Master’s, Doctoral (Second Semester) Programs) entrance exams.
Note: Entrance Exam information can be also found on the university website.
Open hours: 8:30AM~5:15PM(Mon.-Fri./12:00-13:00 is a lunch break)
TEL: 075-334-2238
Information of an entrance exam:
【Project Promotion Office】
事業(じぎょう)推進(すいしん)担当(たんとう) …2nd floor of Central Administration Building
The office plans and implements the International Student Exhibition held every December and recitals.
The office also holds an information session on the International Student Exhibition and facilitates transportation of art work in and out of the exhibition venue and contacts the students.
Open hours: 8:30AM~5:15PM(Mon.-Fri./12:00-13:00 is a lunch break)
TEL: 075-334-2204
【Library/Art Museum and Collections】
図書館(としょかん)・資料館(しりょうかん)担当(たんとう)…1st floor of Central Administration Building
The office for the auxiliary library and art museum and collections. The days that the library/museum are open can be checked on the website.
Open hours: 8:30AM~5:15PM(Mon.-Fri./12:00-13:00 is a lunch break)
(Library) TEL: 075-334-2233 HP:
(Museum) TEL: 075-334-2232 HP:
【General Affairs and Public Relations Office】
…2nd floor of Central Administration Office
Visit the office for lost and found or if you wish to use a classroom.
Open hours: 8:30AM~5:15PM(Mon.-Fri./12:00-13:00 is a lunch break)
TEL: 075-334-2200
8.Campus MAP
9.Emergency Contacts
Student Office and Academic and Student Support office:
(Faculty of Fine Art) TEL: 075-334-2220 Email:
(Faculty of Music) TEL: 075-334-2222 Email:
8:30AM~5:15PM(Mon.-Fri./12:00-13:00 is a lunch break)
International Office:
TEL: 075-334-2721 Email:
9:00-17:45 (Mon.-Fri.)
Security Office:
TEL: 075-334-2277
Saturday, Sunday, Holiday, and the other times of the above on Mon.-Fri