靉嘔 オーラル・ヒストリー

靉嘔 オーラル・ヒストリー

2014年6月28日 靉嘔アトリエにて

靉嘔 (あいおう 1931年~)
1950年代にデモクラート美術家協会に参加した後、1958年に渡米。触覚による《フィンガー・ボックス》、「エンヴァイラメント」と呼ばれるインスタレーション、光のスペクトルの色で塗り分ける「虹」の作品で注目を集める。国際的な前衛芸術運動であるフルクサスに参加して、数々のイヴェントを手掛ける。靉嘔氏と交流がある美術批評家の本阿弥清氏と、2012年に東京都現代美術館で開かれた「靉嘔 ふたたび虹のかなたに」展を担当した西川美穂子氏をインタビュアーに迎えて、茨城県行方市での生い立ち、東京教育大学(現筑波大学)の学生時代。デモクラート美術家協会での活動、渡米後の作品やその展開、フルクサのメンバーをはじめとするアーティストたちとの交流、帰国後の活動などについてお話しいただいた。

靉嘔 オーラル・ヒストリー





柿沼:ベン・パターソン(Ben Patterson)さんとか、エリック・アンダーセン(Eric Andersen)さんとか、昔のフルクサスのお仲間もいらっしゃって、いかがでしたでしょうか。


柿沼:あの時にパフォーマンスの作品を3つ拝見させていただきました。1つが《モーニング・グローリー Morning Glory》(1976年) という歯磨きの作品で、もう一つが《はひふへほ》(1966年)という笑う作品で、もう一つが《07th》。オー・セヴンスでよろしいんでしょうか。



靉嘔:いません! 覚えてません(笑)!


靉嘔:《モーニング・グローリー》というのは朝顔ですからね。「朝顔に つるべ取られて もらい水」(注:加賀千代女の俳句。後年に「朝顔や」に直された)なんですよ。ということなんです。

柿沼:歯磨きというのは、(カールハインツ・)シュトックハウゼン(Karlheinz Stockhausen)の《オリジナーレ》という曲でもされていますが、それとは別。





靉嘔:あれはね、エメット・ウィリアムス(Emmett Williams)っていう僕の友人がいて、二人ともユーモアについて興味があるんですよね、非常に。ユーモアについて興味があって。それだけですね。



柿沼:《はひふへほ》の! それは虹色で描いてあるんですか。














靉嘔:「ユーモアについて」というセミナー(注:1976年 8月 23日~28日まで、志賀高原ホテル)をやったんです。それをやったのは、僕とエメット・ウィリアムスという二人が講師で、5、6人集まって。あれはどこでしたっけ。









靉嘔:そうですね。それで「は」のときには歯を磨いたんですね(笑)。「は」のときに歯を磨いたということは、「朝顔に つるべとられて もらい水」というのあるでしょ、日本の古典に。それに引っかけたんですね。そんな難しいことじゃないんですよ。ただ引っかけたんです。それで「モーニング・グローリー」というタイトルで。それが出たら、ほかのいろんなことをまたくっつけて、「はひふへほ」のいろんなことをくっつけていろんなことをやったんですね。


靉嘔:「ひ」? あるんですよ。全部あるんです。











柿沼: 7thはどういう意味ですか。7つあるということですか。













ヤリタ:すごい! 人間の開口部、世界と通じている穴。

















































ヤリタ:ジャクソン・ポロック(Jackson Pollock)なんかが流行っていた頃ですか。









































ヤリタ:ヨーコさんとか、篠原有司男さんとかもそうでしたね。あと河原温さんとか。何人か日本から行っているアーティストさんもいらっしゃったでしょうし、オノ・ヨーコさんあたりからエメット・ウィリアムスとかジョージ・マチューナス(George Maciunas)とかとつながりが出てくるんですかね。





靉嘔:AG Galleryですね。













柿沼:ヴィースバーデン (Wiesbaden) で第1回のフルクサス音楽祭というのをやっていると思いますけど。





靉嘔:ミュージシャンが多かったんですね。ミュージシャンが多いから、ミュージックの言葉で話すんだな、やっぱりね、コンサートすると。同じようなもんですよね、展覧会を開くと。でもあまりちゃんとした絵描きはいなかったんだろうね。(クレス・)オルデンバーグ(Claes Oldenburg)なんていうのはいたんですけども、それなんかはハプニングばかりやってて、あっという間に有名になっちゃって。スウェーデンの作家ですけどもね。




靉嘔: YAMフェスティヴァルの前にニューヨークの僕らの仲間がやってたんですね。それはまた別なんですけども。

柿沼:ハット・ショー(YAM Festival Hat Show)というのをされたというのが出ているんですけど。















靉嘔:これがフルクサスのとこですね。僕のところは1つおいてここだったんですね。僕はいろいろ機械を。その頃ちょうど50ドルでドリルが買えるとか。日本ではそういうことなかったんです。50ドルでドリルを買うとかノコギリが買えるとか。で、興奮してそれを買って、でっかいアルミを買って穴を開けてみたり。それが作品になったんですけど。キャナル・ストリート(Canal Street)というのは、そういうジャンクを売るところなんですよね。知ってますよね?




























靉嘔:そうそう、感覚、六感を追求しなきゃいけないっていうんで追求を始めたんですね。ある日、展覧会をやってくれるところがあって展覧会をやったら、それを見に来た人がいて。僕はちょうどスポンジを使った作品を作ってたんです。そしたら「おまえアーティストか」と言うから、「そうです」ったら、「おまえこういうスポンジいるか?」って言うんですね。「ほしいか」「ほしい」「じゃああげるから」って。2、3日たったら、僕のキャナルストリートの下にでっかいトラックが止まるんです。こんなでかいブラックのやつがね、スポンジをどんどんどんどん運んでくるんだ。僕はtwo flights upで。3階なんですけど、ニューヨークはそうやって勘定するんですね。one flight up、two flights upって。そこまで全部運んで。1人でですよ、全部運んでくれて、部屋中スポンジだらけになっちゃった。お金もないし、あるもので仕事する以外にないですからね。まあ触覚の仕事を、「これはいいや」と思って、それで始めて。それで《フィンガー・ボックス》というのができたんですね。

















柿沼:ジョン・ケージ(John Cage)の『Notations』(Something Else Press、1969年)という本の中に靉嘔さんのタクタイルリストというのが入っているんですけど。これは砂とかミンクとか水とか書いてあるんですけど、これは触覚でみんな違うものですよね。これはどういうことで作られたんですか。
















ヤリタ:さっき靉嘔さんがおっしゃっていたように、フルクサスというと日本では一種のスクールみたいに思われてるけど、そうじゃなくて。たぶん靉嘔さんが面白がってやっていた《フィンガー・ボックス》があったり、ドイツでナム・ジュン・パイク(Nam June Paik)がやっていることがあったりして、既成のアートのあり方に頼らず、やっぱりそれは戦前の文化に対するちょっと反発もあると思うんですけど。






柿沼:デンマークには(エリック・)アンデルセン(Eric Andersen)さんがいたし。






















靉嘔:何を選ぶかというと、サイコロで選ぶという方法があるでしょ。みんな僕の友だちはね、アメリカ人だけども『易経』の本を読んでるんだよね。僕がフランスに行ったら、ジョージ・ブレクト(George Brecht)とロベルト・フィロー(Robert Fillou)が一緒に住んでたのね。そして一生懸命『易経』の本を読んでるんだね。「なんでこんなもの読んでるの」って言ったら、「これはすごい本なんだ」って。すごい本だって、こんなもんは占いの本で。

































































靉嘔:シュトックの《オリジナーレ》という曲を、パイクが「これやろう」と持ってきたんですね。初めから「靉嘔はこの役」っていうんで。それは、シュトックが奥さんに書いた、メリー・バウアーマイスター(Mary Bauermeister)というんですけど、メリーに書いた曲なんです。奥さんはアーティストなんです。マグネットを使うアーティストでね。




靉嘔:アラン・カプロー(Allan Kaprow)がそれをオーガナイズしたんですよ。オーガナイズするのは、監督するのは、パイクはカプローにあげた、やったんですよ。僕はカプローを知ってたから、カプローは僕に「あれをやることにする」って。僕はメリー・バウアーマイスターの役を。役たって僕の勝手な作品をそこでやればいいんで。



柿沼:それは色と関係あるんですか。赤のときに髭を剃る、オレンジで歯磨きをする? 色と関係があるように。




































靉嘔:シャーロット(・モーマン、Charlotte Moorman)のね。









靉嘔:あれはパイクが自分で作ったもんですから。シャーロットにやらせたわけだ。それが、いろいろ注文が来ると、あれも忙しいからね、“Ay-O, Help! Help! Help!”って来るんだよね。「何だ」「これやってくれ」って。























































靉嘔:行かなかった。ヨシ(ヨシマサ・ワダ、Yoshimasa Wada)は行ったんだね。1晩泊まったんです、その島ね、無人島ですから。どこに泊まったかしらないけど、とにかく泊まったんです。木陰でおしっこしたら、poison ivy(ツタウルシ)にかぶれちゃったんだよね。で、腫れちゃって。翌日ビーチで。



柿沼:それはカリブ海の島ですよね、無人島は。ヨシ・ワダさんと、ジョー・ジョーンズ(Joe Jones)ですか。


柿沼:ケン・フリードマン(Ken Friedman)じゃなくて?






















靉嘔:ああ、あれはドイツで僕がやったんですね、2、3回。ヨーロッパでね。ちょうど 5,000円ぐらいです、1枚のお札を、持ってたやつに揚げさせて、天ぷらを作らせて、そいつが食べたですよ。













































ヤリタ:ミラン・ク二ザック(ニザック、Milan Knizak)さんが。



靉嘔:「Help me!」って(笑)。


靉嘔:世界中に電報を打つんだ、あいつね。それを真似したやつがこのあいだいたね、フルクサスに。タクシードライバーをやってるフルクサスのメンバー。何と言うやつだっけ、知りません? 有名な人じゃなくて。タクシードライバーをやってるんですよ、ニューヨークで。それでメシ食ってる。





















靉嘔:僕の誕生日に逆立ちして写真を送ってくるという、そういう人。あれはね……兄貴がヨーコのオーガナイズしてましたよね(注:ジェフリー・ヘンドリックス(Geoffrey Hendricks)のこと)。

ヤリタ:ジョン・アンダーソン(Jon Anderson)がヨーコのオーガナイザー(マネージャー)ですよね、たぶん。




お金がなくても、フルクサスのアートってコンセプトがあればできますよね。ミラン・ク二ザックさんの、落ちてるもので、私たちなんべんもそれでネックレスを作ったりしましたけど。逆立ちするのもそうだけど。お金がなくても人と違うアイデアがあればそれにアートになるというとこが、ポップアートにしてる節もないわけじゃないけど。アル・ハンセン(Al Hansen)もそうですよね。アル・ハンセンも、タバコの吸い殻とかHershey’sの殻とか固めてこういうのを作ったりしてますよね。ああいうのもお金がなくてもできるアートで、面白いですよね。そういうのはみなさんコンセプト、あいつがこんなことやってたり、この人がこういうコンセプトをやったり。












柿沼:そうすると原点はやっぱり(マルセル・)デュシャン(Marcel Duchamp)でしょうか、もとになっているのは。ありものでやるとか、あるものを使って何かやるとか、アイデアだけで。



























柿沼:本当はまたこういうイヴェントをやっていただきたいなと思っているんですけど、このあいだのような。これはこのあいだの東京都現代美術館のプログラムです。「Viva! フルクサス」。

靉嘔:「Viva! フルクサス」。




Ay-O, Oral History

Ay-O Oral History

Interview with Ay-O, June 28, 2014
Place: Ay-O’s Studio in Namegata, Ibaraki Prefecture
Interviewers: Yarita Misako, Kakinuma Toshie
Translator: Akimoto Shinobu

Ay-O (b. 1931)


Born in Namegata, Ibaraki Prefecture. In 1958, Ay-O left Japan for the U. S., participating in the international avant-garde art movement Fluxus. He drew attention with tactile art works “Finger Box” and “Rainbow” series in which the entire color spectrum was painted in gradation. In April 2014, he was involved in “Fluxus in Japan 2014” held at Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, in which he realized his own performance works by himself. With poet Yarita Misako who has known the artist for years, we interviewed him for our oral history archives on his activities in the U. S., the idea of Rainbow, silk-screen prints that produced multiple works, and collaboration with other Fluxus artists.

Oral History Interview with Ay-O

Kakinuma: Today is June 28, 2014. We are speaking with Mr. Ay-O in his studio. The interviewers are, poet, Ms. Yarita Misako, and myself, Kakinuma Toshie. Shall we start?

Ay-O: Today’s June 28… Saturday, isn’t it.

Kakinuma: It is. I just saw “Fluxus in Japan 2014” at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, which you are a part of. You did your performances and saw other members—how did that feel?

Ay-O: Saw who?

Kakinuma: Ben Patterson, Eric Andersen, and your other Fluxus peers from that time—how was it?

Ay-O: Well… [laughs] It’s like that, really. [laughs]

Kakinuma: I watched your three performance pieces. One was Morning Glory (1976), of “brushing teeth”, and one was Ha Hi Fu He Ho (1966), on laughing, and the other was 07th. Is it “O-seventh”?

Ay-O: It’s “Zero-seventh.”

Kakinuma: These three performances I saw have hardly been mentioned in lists of your artwork. First, I would like to ask you about Morning Glory; do you remember when you first performed it?

Ay-O: No I don’t! I don’t remember! [laughs]

Yarita: I think I’ve seen it among works by Fluxus in New York.

Ay-O: You know, “Morning Glory” is “Asagao” [in Japanese]—“Morning glory / Climbing up the well-bucket / I ask for water from the neighbor” [a haiku by Fukuda Chiyo-ni]—that’s it, that’s just it.

Kakinuma: You’ve also done the tooth-brushing performance in [Karlheinz] Stockhausen’s music theater Originale; is that the same thing?

Ay-O: It could be the same but could be different. [laughs]

Kakinuma: Could we say that’s the origin of this piece?

Ay-O: Well… I don’t know.

Kakinuma: Can you tell us about Ha Hi Fu He Ho then? It’s a performance in which you laugh. I saw the one you did with Mr. Tone [Yasunao] on the Internet, where three of you were laughing—perhaps in New York?

Ay-O: That was with my friend Emmett Williams—both of us were fascinated by humor. That was it; we were just interested in humor.

Kakinuma: Do you remember when you first performed it?

Ay-O: Not really… You know, humor can be expressed in “ha hi fu he ho”. At different places and times, I attempted to dissect it or experiment with it, and that was my performance. There’s a painting as well, on a large canvas.

Kakinuma: A painting of Ha Hi Fu He Ho! Is it painted in rainbow colors?

Ay-O: It has the letters—ha, hi, fu, he, and ho.

Kakinuma: In black?

Ay-O: No—it was in my exhibition, though.

Kakinuma: Was it?

Ay-O: It was, wasn’t it?

Ikuko Iijima [Ay-O’s wife]: It’s in the catalogue.

Yarita: It’s in the 2012 catalogue from The Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo [MOT].

Ay-O: That is a really old catalogue. [laughs]

Kakinuma: This one is from 2004—the catalogue from Urawa [Art Museum].

Yarita: It should be in the MOT catalogue.

Kakinuma: So, Ha Hi Fu He Ho was originally a painting and there’s a performance version of it?

Ay-O: No, not like that. There was a thing “on humor”, which was… what do you call it, that we did in Karuizawa?

Ikuko Iijima: A seminar “On humor.”

Ay-O: We organized a seminar called “On humor.” [Aug 23–28, 1976, at the Shiga Kogen Hotel] Emmett Williams and I were lecturers and five or six people gathered. Where was it?

Ikuko Iijima: Wasn’t it in Shiga Kogen?

Ay-O: Right, at Shiga Kogen Heights. Is it a hotel? What are those called?

Kakinuma: Not a hotel?

Ikuko Iijima: Maybe it’s called a “hutte”? [** German word for a chalet]

Ay-O: It is kind of a hotel, where we all stayed. Emmett and I acted as instructors and put on various performances.

Kakinuma: I see, and that’s when you performed Ha Hi Fu He Ho?

Ay-O: Even before that, I had always wondered about humor; what it is. I wanted to clarify it through different experiments. In Japanese, the letters “ha hi fu he ho” represent humor—hahaha, hihihi, fufufu, you know.

Yarita: They are the sounds that release so much breath.

Ay-O: That’s right. So I brushed my teeth for the sound “ha.” [laughs] [Note: The Japanese word for teeth is “ha.”] And brushing teeth for “ha” is a pun on the Japanese classic: “Morning glory / Climbing up the well-bucket / I ask for water from the neighbor.” It’s simple—just an association; therefore the title, Morning Glory. Then after that was born, I attached other actions to the sounds “ha hi fu he ho” and developed the performance.

Kakinuma: So, for instance, is there something for “hi”? If “ha” is brushing teeth, what is associated with “hi”?

Ay-O: For “hi”? Yes, there’s something for “hi” as well. There are actions paired with all letters.

Kakinuma: For all of them—what is for “hi” then?

Ay-O: I can’t remember. [laughs] But there are.

Kakinuma: There are performances for all of them—I see. So both performances you did last time meant something specific.

Ay-O: I suppose so.

Kakinuma: All right, then how about the other work, 07th—what does this title imply?

Ay-O: As in the Finger Boxes [c. 1963] and other works, I have a patent on holes. [laughs] So I have many ideas about the holes on 07th.

Kakinuma: Is “zero” a hole?

Ay-O: Look, there are seven holes here.

Kakinuma: And different things come out of the holes?

Ay-O: Not really. That idea came afterwards. It’s more about the exploration of holes.

Kakinuma: What does 7th stand for? Does it mean there are seven holes?

Ay-O: This first hole is an ear.

Yarita: Ah, it’s a human body.

Ay-O: This is an eye. This one is a nose.

Kakinuma: A nose.

Ay-O: If we keep going like this, we won’t finish it until next year, will we? [laughs]

Kakinuma: Well, that’s true; could you explain it briefly?

Ay-O: Briefly? It can’t be brief since I’ve been doing it over 60 years. [laughs]

Kakinuma: I suppose not.

Yarita: It’s been a long exploration.

Ay-O: This is a nose, and a mouth. One, two, three, four. This one is for peeing, a urethra. And here’s an anus, that’d be six. The anus is the sixth. So one more… a birth canal? What is it called?

Kakinuma: That’s a birth canal [vagina]—for women.

Ay-O: There you go, a total of seven. That’s what 07th stands for.

Yarita: Wow! The openings of a human body; the holes connected to the world.

Ay-O: Sometimes, when I’m just thinking about holes all day or for 10 days straight, I get many ideas. That’s how 07th came about.

Kakinuma: I just saw your sculpture with the mouth open over there—things go into the hole as well on that one?

Ay-O: That, if something goes in, it comes out from here; the real thing comes out. But kids, brats shoved stones in and clogged it. [laughs]

Yarita: It got constipated [laughs]—that’s too bad. There’s also a smaller bronze one, I believe?

Ay-O: That one, you pour rice in and it comes out.

Yarita: Audiences put rice in and it slips out of the bottom.

Ay-O: This, 07th, is a woman. A man should be 06th—one hole missing.

Yarita: I guess it’s related to the image of birth, that different things come out of a hole? Like a baby is born?

Kakinuma: Did you first perform 07th in New York?

Ay-O: Yes, as I had always created work in New York, and also performed in New York.

Kakinuma: A different thing comes out every time?

Ay-O: Yeah, well, it should be—as we eat a different thing every time. [laughs]

Kakinuma: At the performance, you scattered instant coffee on the stairs, not coming out of a hole. I could really smell the coffee.

Ay-O: That, we really should have scattered it in the gallery but they were hesitant, like, it’ll be messy. I would have done it in the past—I would scatter it no matter how clean the space was.

Yarita: Why not stimulate the five senses? Art should not be just seen; it should be heard or felt as well.

Ay-O: I’ve even sprinkled water with a funnel.

Kakinuma: Colors, too; there was shaving cream, ketchup—many different colors came out.

Yarita: The colors were amazing. So many colorful balloons as well.

Kakinuma: I really enjoyed it.

Yarita: It was exciting, wondering what would come out next.

Kakinuma: With anticipation.

Yarita: We were really anxious to see what trick Mr. Ay-O would come up with next—it was so much fun.

Kakinuma: I felt like a child watching it.

Ay-O: Definitely—there’s no difference. It’s the same feeling.

Kakinuma: It was quite playful.

Ay-O: A child’s mind is the best. If only we could all go back to that state, we’d be able to create something most authentic.

Yarita: If we can feel fresh about everything, we would be happy just looking at the sky, clear or cloudy.

Ay-O: The “first times” in life… Oh and, there’s a belly button, here.

Kakinuma: A belly button is not a hole though.

Ay-O: It used to be a hole.

Yarita: We all used to be connected to the birth canal while in our mother’s womb, even a male. So if we consider a belly button and a birth canal [vagina] together, that could be the 7th hole for a man as well, no?

Kakinuma: I see, so it could be a man as well.

Ay-O: I suppose so. That’s art, such non-sense. [laughs]

Kakinuma: Now, we’d like to go back in time and ask you a bit about the time you moved to New York. Do you have any questions, Ms. Yarita?

Yarita: One of your stories that stays in my mind is that when you first went to New York, no galleries showed interest in you. You said you visited all of them to introduce your work.

Ay-O: I did. There were 140–150 galleries in New York, and no one wanted me. [laughs] I tried it three times.

Yarita: Three times. Visiting 150 galleries three times means that you approached 450 galleries.

Ay-O: Yeah, and sometimes, I would roll up and bring a large piece, as big as this room.

Yarita: And every single gallery said “No”?

Ay-O: They all said “No.”

Yarita: But you must have been confident in your work, as you were somewhat established in Japan?

Ay-O: Sure, I didn’t go there to study painting; I went to market my work, something new for them, you know.

Kakinuma: But then…

Ay-O: No one wanted it. [laughs]

Yarita: Those who are not ambitious enough would get disheartened and come back at that point but you kept going.

Ay-O: Of course I was crushed, too—every time. [laughs] It was miserable.

Yarita: There was a period you painted an X over your paintings?

Ay-O: When I visited these 150 galleries, they’d tell me, “These are the painters we represent.” They were all abstract action painters back then—nothing else.

Yarita: That’s when Jackson Pollock was popular?

Ay-O: Yeah, unless you were Jackson Pollock, you were no painter.

Yarita: Wow, it was a fad, I guess.

Ay-O: Not just back then, it’s always like that everywhere—even now. There’s always a trend; it’s common.

Yarita: So then you made action paintings as well?

Ay-O: Yeah I did, or no one would care. They’d say to me, “Our painters are like this” as though telling me to do the same. So I was doing this and that for about two years.

Yarita: You even tried out action paintings but…

Ay-O: Well, after all, I gave up and started action painting. I’d stretch the canvas on the floor in my apartment about the size of this here, and drip paint over it.

Yarita: In the New York School style.

Ay-O: I painted as an abstract painter. After mixing the paint and splashing it on the canvas, I couldn’t stay in the room. So I’d get out and head to Times Square, and watch, say, three cheap movies. Three double bills, so six movies in total.

Kakinuma: To clear your mind?

Ay-O: Not really. [laughs]

Kakinuma: No?

Yarita: Just to let the paint dry and avoid the fumes of turpentine.

Kakinuma: Ah, for that.

Ay-O: It really stinks—you could die.

Yarita: You start hyperventilating—it must be like chemical poisoning from the fumes. So you went out to avoid it and kill time.

Kakinuma: And waited for the paint to dry.

Ay-O: Turpentine is the same as gasoline.

Yarita: So you’d watch six movies and come home and look at your painting, and then…

Ay-O: When I left Japan, I swore that I wouldn’t copy anyone—but I did, after all, and that really upset me because I was lying to myself. So I’d start an argument and everyone would fight back if I instigated it. Then after a while, I realized that I was speaking English pretty well. [laughs]

Yarita: Arguing helped you to practice English.

Kakinuma: They say you are fluent in a language if you can fight in it.

Ay-O: It’s the best way to learn a language, because in a fight, you’re only saying what you want to say.

Kakinuma: What happened after that?

Ay-O: I got fed up with myself and crossed out all my New York School style action paintings. They’re in here, with Xs.

Yarita: I heard that you destroyed some of them, though we can still see many of them in your retrospectives. You also said that you became conscious about the quality of the Xs as well.

Ay-O: You know, I am a painter after all—so while putting an X on my painting, I would say to myself, “well, this one isn’t good enough.”—even about the way I cut the canvases. Anyway, that’s what happened, crossing out all my paintings like a dead end—huge Xs all over the apartment. My canvases came from discarded or half broken paintings that I’d peel off and cover in white to reuse.

Yarita: It may sound better if we call them “recycled”, but they were simply second hand canvases.

Ay-O: I’d paint four or five of those a month. After about 20 or 30, I’d do all kinds of things to them. An X wasn’t good enough so I’d burn or bake them.

Yarita: That was your main tenet, that you wouldn’t repeat or copy others.

Ay-O: Well, most of us copy others anyway, painter or otherwise. Musicians and other professions do it, too. If you are determined not to copy others, then you really have to come up with ways to avoid it—it’s not easy.

Yarita: If you don’t want to look like Van Gogh or Cezanne, you must search for your own motif or style somewhere else.

Ay-O: So I decided to tear up all my old paintings, and thought over what I could do with them. Then I just lined them up and there appeared a room. They became a funny-looking ragged house, which I turned into artwork.

Kakinuma: Is that Tea House [c. 1961]?

Yarita: I’ve seen your small huts made of fabric like that.

Kakinuma: That piece also has holes in it—maybe it’s not listed in this catalogue, I wonder. It’s in your own catalogue but may not be in this Fluxus one. Anyway, so now you created Tea House.

Ay-O: It turned out like that. Then all these unconventional artists came to see it—they were eccentric friends, who came. I was making work like that back then.

Yarita: And then, those painters and artists who were not represented by New York galleries started gathering around you and interacted with each other.

Kakinuma: Did Yoko Ono also come to see Tea House?

Ay-O: She did.

Yarita: Yoko, Ushio Shinohara, and On Kawara as well. There must have been some other artists from Japan, too. Was it through Yoko Ono that you connected with Emmett Williams and George Maciunas?

Ay-O: I think so—this strange bunch of friends would get together and organize group exhibitions and so on. If someone initiated a performance, others would also do performances, including myself. It was all like that—an odd group. But it wasn’t that we were copying each other; these things just happened simultaneously, all over the planet. What’s curious was when you had no choices left as an outsider, everyone acted similarly. It happened all at once—it was like, I did this but someone else was also doing similar stuff. When you went to see it, you’d figure it out, “Oh this is why that came from that.” You’d totally understand these eccentric “happenings” so you could even contribute to them.

Kakinuma: You met Maciunas around that time?

Ay-O: I was still looking for a space for an exhibition and someone introduced me to him. Maciunas wasn’t an artist, but he had a gallery.

Kakinuma: Was that the AG gallery?

Ay-O: It was the AG gallery.

Kakinuma: And, someone took you there.

Ay-O: Yeah, I showed photos of my work and said, “I want an exhibition”; then George goes, “You have it,” and told me to come back in two or three months to discuss details. So I went back but there was no gallery; he was up to his neck in debt and fled to Europe.

Yarita: He left for Germany, right?

Kakinuma: Why was he in such debt?

Ay-O: He was a commercial designer and making good money, $1,000–$2,000 a month.

Kakinuma: Then why?

Ay-O: He spent too much on people like myself—organizing unusual exhibitions for eccentric artists.

Kakinuma: He used all his money for that?

Ay-O: He had no way out and escaped to Europe. One of the reasons he went to Europe, George told me, was that he wanted to sell that red book, Anthology, compiled by some in our group. I wasn’t part of that though. Anyway, nothing sold.

Kakinuma: It’d be worth so much money now! [laughs]

Yarita: Really expensive…

Ay-O: He took the books with him to sell—but since no one came to see them, he thought of something different to attract an audience. He had youngsters play music all over the place, like in Germany.

Kakinuma: Didn’t he organize the first Fluxfest in Wiesbaden?

Ay-O: He did them all over the place.

Kakinuma: Right. I find it curious that it was a music festival but not an exhibition.

Ay-O: Yeah, it was a concert.

Kakinuma: Isn’t it interesting it was a concert.

Ay-O: There were many musicians in the group—as musicians, they spoke in music language through a concert, you know. It’s perhaps similar to artists having an exhibition, but probably, there weren’t many visual artists per se. There was [Claes] Oldenburg, a Swedish artist; he was also engaged in “happenings” quite a lot and became famous in no time.

Kakinuma: Anyway, after that, George Maciunas returned to New York, I guess?

Ay-O: He organized exhibitions and concerts under the name Fluxus and when he came back, he set himself up nearby. It’s in here—not an exhibition but…

Kakinuma: The YAM festival?

Ay-O: There was something before YAM that our New York peers organized. That was a separate thing.

Kakinuma: It says in here that you did something called the Hat Show [The YAM Festival Hat Show].

Ay-O: We decided to put on a hat show at an exhibition, so everyone brought a hat.

Kakinuma: So that’s when you wore a hat like this? Or it’s different.

Ay-O: In America, on April something, when people wear hats and wander around…

Kakinuma: You mean, Easter?

Ay-O: Is it Easter that people wear hats? So that’s when the idea for the exhibition with hats came up and we organized different things.

Yarita: All these unique ideas…

Kakinuma: Yeah, really. You then paraded wearing hats?

Ay-O: Um-hum, on top of the gallery exhibition.

Kakinuma: Then Maciunas proposed to open a Fluxus shop—not a gallery but a shop.

Ay-O: He had split but then returned to New York and contacted me. I think it might have been his last time in New York; maybe he moved abroad again after that, I’m not sure. Anyway, he came to me and said he wanted to open a shop, not a gallery, and sell our work there. So I said “OK,” and he rented a warehouse—it’s called a “loft.”

Kakinuma: And it was around the corner from your place?

Ay-O: Yes it was; I was living in one of them. They were called lofts whereas in Japan, they are ateliers. That’s where I worked too.

Yarita: They do look like warehouses in the photos from that time.

Kakinuma: Is this where the shop was? There’s a Fluxus flag.

Ay-O: Yeah, that’s it. Mine was this one, two doors down. I had various power tools there; a drill was only $50 back then. It wasn’t possible to buy a drill or a saw for $50 in Japan. So I got so excited I bought it, and would make holes in a huge aluminum piece. Then that became an artwork—you know Canal street; junk like that was sold right there.

Kakinuma: And then the orchestra concerts also began?

Ay-O: George came and asked if the space next to me was available to rent. I divided the space into three, the front for a Fluxus concert hall, the middle for a gallery, and the back for his bedroom—free labor.

Yarita: Like Do-It-Yourself?

Ay-O: Carpentry was my part time job. I had all kinds of jobs but the one you have skills for brings the most money in the end. That helped me to buy and learn to use more power tools, so we started a business. George would find clients and we’d make things.

Kakinuma: Did you sell them?

Ay-O: As he was a designer, he worked for commercial spaces who wanted to have shows for advertising.

Kakinuma: To attract customers?

Ay-O: Exactly. He’d bring that kind of job and show us sketches of how it should look. We were the labor—my friend and I would build things for the clients George had found and he’d pay us.

Yarita: So the Fluxus members all had roles, those who found customers, who made things, and who performed.

Ay-O: I suppose.

Yarita: Did you start making rainbow paintings around then?

Ay-O: Yes.

Yarita: How did you come up with the idea?

Ay-O: I’ve told you that I had decided not to copy others, so I had to think about what I could do otherwise. Even I do a little thinking. [laughs]

Yarita: As a result of a lot of contemplation and struggle. [laughs]

Ay-O: I pondered this—how I could make authentic work without copying others, making the most of my own sensitivities. You know we have [five] senses, and a sixth sense—taste, hearing, sight, smell, and touch—tactile sense. I wanted to explore each one of them as much as I could—I’m just a university graduate and not really an expert on it, but I tried to apply as much knowledge as I had in order to do this.

My family’s business did not thrive.

Yarita: Was your father the heir of the Iijima family?

Ay-O: My father was the second oldest son of the Iijima’s—my family name. The oldest son inherited the name. My father was a soldier and when he came back [from World War II] he helped on the family farm—he liked it though.

Kakinuma: Was he a pilot?

Ay-O: Yes he was; a pilot for the Navy.

Kakinuma: Were you born here, too?

Ay-O: Yeah, as this was my father’s property. He had only one brother—when his brother died, my father asked me to help around the farm but I refused and left. What could he do, his son disappeared to America. But then my father also passed away and because my uncle had been gone, I became the heir after all. At that time in Japan, they implemented a law limiting the size of the rice paddies one family could own, and I got both my father’s and uncle’s share. [laughs] There were vegetable plots as well—I just didn’t do anything with them.

Yarita: All around here is the Iijima family’s land?

Ay-O: The rice paddies are. There are some below and above here—three large ones. We have quite a few vegetable plots as well—they are all rented. I really don’t know much about it.

Kakinuma: Ok, shall we go back to the interview?

Yarita: Yes, so now, you’ve discovered the rainbow and started painting it—you were talking about your senses, and a sixth sense.

Ay-O: Right, I felt an urge to explore my senses and a sixth sense, and I started it. One day I had an exhibition of the work I had been making using sponge. Someone who came to see it asked me if I was the artist, and whether I wanted similar foam rubber, so I said, “sure.” A couple of days later, a huge truck pulled up under my apartment on Canal street, and this big black guy kept bringing all this foam up into my apartment on “two flights up”, actually on the 3rd floor—in New York, people count floors like that; one flight up, two flights up. He delivered it all, all by himself, until my apartment was filled with foam rubber. I was broke and had to use whatever was available to make work. So I thought: “This may be good for the work about touch,” and made the Finger Boxes.

Yarita: This piece here was made before the Finger Boxes, wasn’t it? Big sponge pieces like this one eventually developed into the Finger Boxes, just because you were given lots of materials.

Kakinuma: Were the foams that big?

Ay-O: Somehow they were—as big as this room. I guess foam rubber has hard sides that are chopped off. They only use the middle part. The ones given to me were the hard sides they had cut off.

Yarita: Like the ends of a sponge cake.

Ay-O: So I used them for about a year. I made huts or rooms you can go into.

Kakinuma: Oh, I get it; they turned into those…

Ay-O: And that created a buzz, like, “this guy’s making weird things.”

Yarita: There was a lot of art and music but you were the first artist who surprised people by art you had to touch, no?

Ay-O: Sure, no one else had done that.

Yarita: The Finger Boxes are fabulous. Has anyone accidentally hurt himself with the thumbtacks?

Ay-O: Well, there were some incidents—but anyway, there they were, the Finger Boxes. I could make anything in my wood shop—it’s just that I had fun making them and not that they sold.

Yarita: The big boxes that house the Finger Boxes are all very pretty, too, and those branded with your name are also beautiful.

Ay-O: When I start something, I have no idea where to begin, so I begin with a consideration of the tactile aspect—everything has a specific feel after all.

Yarita: That’s true—it’s cold or hot, hard or soft and so on.

Ay-O: I felt I should compile such a collection.

Yarita: You tried to examine all these sensations, I suppose.

Kakinuma: Your “Tactile list” is included in John Cage’s Notations [New York: Something Else Press, 1969]. It lists things like sand, mink, and water—things that all feel different. What motivated you to create this list?

Ay-O: Well, if I claimed to be at the vanguard of this, I’d have to set a precedent and therefore I made a list.

Yarita: You listed physical sensations, things that evoke tactual experiences.

Ay-O: Um-hum, I made a list of cold, hard etc.—since the objective eventually becomes your own experience, these observations are really important for humans, to ultimately consider how we perceive or handle these elements.

Kakinuma: There were 15 original Finger Boxes?

Ay-O: I don’t think that’s right—all of these. There were many.

Kakinuma: There are 40 items in here [in the Tactile List]

Ay-O: There should be more, about 100—from all objects.

Kakinuma: That’s true, because all have different sensations. Oh, OK, I get it, you did not make these 40 into boxes.

Ay-O: Each box contains a different texture but the Finger Box [Kit] is a set of them—a “tactile set.”

Yarita: Some are a set, and others resemble a room.

Kakinuma: There are ones like a room as well?

Ay-O: Not everyone would go about it this way. I just brought all these together and made this and that, and assembled them as a kit—all for my own amusement.

Kakinuma: This was conceived in ’66.

Ay-O: Earlier than that, maybe in ’63.

Kakinuma: That’s early. It’s around the time Fluxus emerged.

Yarita: As Mr. Ay-O has said earlier, Fluxus was not a kind of school, unlike the way Japanese people think; but rather, it was more that, while you were having fun making the Finger Boxes, Nam June Paik was also doing his own stuff in Germany, all outside of conventional art practice—I feel that it was perhaps a bit of a counter-reaction against the pre-war culture as well?

Ay-O: You know it’s funny; there were artists like me, or Paik, who started sprouting like bamboo shoots around the planet all at the same time.

Kakinuma: It’s really fascinating.

Ay-O: Yeah, it really was intriguing. It’s not that we copied each other but you’d hear about these novel endeavors and when you went to see them, you’d realize that they were doing the same sort of stuff as yourself—you felt like comrades and helped to promote each other.

Kakinuma: Ms. Shiomi [Mieko] too, was making work like her Endless Box (1963) without knowing Fluxus. Then Paik said to her that her work was Fluxus, which made her decide to go to New York—it’s compelling.

Ay-O: It is, and it happened everywhere. In communist Soviet Russia as well.

Kakinuma: In Denmark, there was Eric Andersen.

Yarita: Those who rebelled against the established art market, where money and authority determined the value of art, sought a new art movement, perhaps.

Ay-O: Sure, everyone wanted dollars. [laughs]

Yarita: Of course they did but…

Ay-O: If we could sell work, that would’ve been best but because we didn’t…

Yarita: So, did you also begin the rainbow paintings when you were making the Finger Boxes?

Ay-O: Oh, right, we haven’t reached that point yet. [laughs]

Yarita: Sorry, I’ve been looking forward to the rainbows.

Ay-O: Not at all! You know, I liked analyzing things. Since I started as a painter, I was more knowledgeable of color than other people. So I contemplated color and thought I’d paint based on that. It just began like that, but no other painters were approaching painting as I was.

Yarita: Analyzing color—if you think of the essence of color, it’s the light that makes it visible, isn’t it?

Ay-O: Indeed. Things like that, we all study at the university and art school. Everyone knows it—common knowledge. That’s the only area that I knew more than the average person. Back then, many artists rigorously researched and explored color, particularly commercial artists. I’d apply this knowledge or do various experiments with color too. Ultimately, colors are endless—if you mix 24 colors, they become 48; they double forever and are hard to organize. So I needed a concept to arrange them and the idea of a “conceptual” approach came about. The notion of “conceptual” was what Fluxus artists shared. I myself approached color totally conceptually, but it wasn’t for everyone. Then gradually “conceptual art” appeared; some of our peers championed “concepts as art”, or they claimed that one must pursue concepts in art and so on. It became a fad and so, I was considered a “god.” [laughs]

Yarita: You first thought about a concept of color.

Ay-O: Not just as color, but as something conceptual.

Kakinuma: You had mentioned that you used dice to decide what color or color combination to use—is it true?

Ay-O: Sometimes. Not just with dice, but anything. By writing numbers on chopsticks, like divining sticks.

Kakinuma: As in fortune telling.

Ay-O: Yes, by pulling a numbered stick to choose a color—that one in front of us was made like that.

Kakinuma: In that way, wouldn’t color combinations be irregular unlike that painting?

Ay-O: Yeah, they’d be all mixed up.

Kakinuma: Did you ever use, for instance, a computer for the same purpose?

Ay-O: You wouldn’t need a computer.

Kakinuma: Oh, I see. Well, I just thought of how John Cage used it. He digitalized the I Ching to select combinations of notes, but I guess you didn’t?

Ay-O: We have dice to decide on things, you know. All my friends, Americans they were, read the book I Ching. When I went to France, George Brecht and Robert Fillou were living together; they were so into I Ching. I asked, “Why are you guys reading such a thing?”; they said, “This is an amazing book.” To me, it was just a fortune telling book.

Yarita: Yeah, for Japanese, it is.

Ay-O: But if you look at it closely, I Ching is interesting. Japanese are able to understand the original concepts better than Americans; so after I read it, I immediately began using it for my work.

Yarita: A variety of elements started coming together. The rainbow as well, the rainbow is composed with light…

Ay-O: For me, color is the rainbow, the spectrum. Humans conceived of the spectrum as stages of color, from red to purple. It’s color theory but if you explored it thoroughly, you’d figure out how to apply colors. I understood it better through analyzing than painting. You know Picasso painted only in blues at one point, for about five years.

Kakinuma: The blue period.

Ay-O: There was the blue period and the pink period. He didn’t sell much during the blue period but in the pink period, he started doing OK. Then the work from the blue period began selling as well. Those were the only times Picasso sold his work—he did not sell that much all together.

Kakinuma: Is that so?

Yarita: Not when he was young. Mr. Ay-O, you explored the spectrum of visible light, the seven colors in the rainbow, in many different ways. For instance, you thoroughly broke them, right down to—192 colors, was it?

Ay-O: “24, 48, 96, 192”—these are scores in mahjong. I could actually make this many colors myself. At one point, that was all I did for about two years; I’d simply apply one color a day, to make a painting of 192 gradations.

Yarita: You had to wait for the previous color to dry before putting a new one, or they’d smudge.

Ay-O: A bit silly, it was.

Yarita: But it was also a pursuit.

Ay-O: Really, you have to actually do it. A theory alone won’t do; but not everyone does it even if they have a similar idea. That just doesn’t work; you’d only discover something new by doing it. So I did—I couldn’t get drunk while making a 192-color painting.

Kakinuma: You couldn’t?

Ay-O: If you are drunk, or hung-over, it’s no good. So I tried not to.

Kakinuma: You had to take care of yourself—you mean unless you were totally clear-headed, you could not produce different colors?

Ay-O: It’d be no problem if I were making 24 colors. Even 48 or 96. But when it’s 192, there’s almost no difference between colors. You have to make a gradation based on the color from the day before, so if you failed at one stage, there’s no next stage—you couldn’t be hung-over. [laughs]

Kakinuma: I don’t know much about visual art, but you moved onto printmaking after painting.

Ay-O: I was actually making prints right from the beginning.

Kakinuma: You were doing both?

Ay-O: Printmaking [hanga] was looked down on. It’s written as “half a painting [hanga].”

Kakinuma: They say it’s half-baked.

Ay-O: I’d argue, “That’s nonsense, a print and a large canvas have the same value,” and get into a fight because of my combatant nature.

Kakinuma: What I thought interesting was in the past, say, for Ukiyo-e prints in the Edo period, there was a painter, a carver, and a printer, dividing the labor. In your case as well, I believe you are the painter and you employ a printer separately?

Ay-O: Yes I do. Printmakers nowadays create what’s called “Sōsaku-hanga.” [**Prints devoid of editioning made by solely one artist] They make one print, study it, and make another with new colors—they are expressive, but I don’t do that.

Kakinuma: That means they only make one print, doesn’t it?

Ay-O: Well, not necessarily. For example, if you could make 192 colors of paints, you’d have to think of ways to make them, and then make a painting…

Yarita: Because you have a concept for making the original image, serigraphy or printmaking is an appropriate medium to reproduce the work—isn’t that what you mean?

Ay-O: That’s right.

Yarita: In other words, if one’s work is expressive, you may not be able to reproduce the image accurately in printmaking, while a conceptually conceived work is easier to reproduce—am I right?

Ay-O: Yes, you’re right. I think that’s it. Few artists create work in such a way though—they’d say, “This color doesn’t seem right” and would change it. I don’t—if I planned to make a painting with 24 colors, I’d put a color, and then another color, and when they are all laid down, it’s finished—whether I like it or not.

Yarita: That’s why printers get it right. It’s not your expression but your concept that makes up your work and if the printer understands it, he can reproduce it accurately. Your printer for serigraphy is Kenryo Sukeda from Fukui—have you worked with him for a long time?

Ay-O: He still prints my work. There was also Okabe [Tokuzō], but he passed away.

Yarita: Mr. Okabe was well known, too.

Kakinuma: How many editions do you make for one image?

Ay-O: I was already making prints even before I moved to the States—initially lithography, then etching; I did not do woodcuts but did copperplate engraving…

Yarita: There are quite a few people in Ōno associated with Fukui’s Sōbi [The Association for Education through Creative Art], who have purchased your screen prints; they really treasure them, like a family heirloom. Those who lived in rural areas and had few chances to go see art could appreciate your original art through the etchings and screen prints, and perhaps, their sales supported your practice in New York—could we say that there was a mutual benefit?

Ay-O: Certainly. You know, a painting is one of a kind and reproducible prints are cheaper and less profitable, they say, but I disagree. If you produce more, more people can have them. If you produce ten not just one, you can sell them less expensively and more people might be able to afford them. I think that’s really important.

Kakinuma: Fluxus artists often made multiples; does it relate to printmaking?

Ay-O: They are the same thing, prints and multiples are—plural, plurality.

Kakinuma: To make multiples means there is not only one work, right?

Ay-O: It fundamentally denies art from the get go.

Kakinuma: It denies the idea of the original, or one of a kind.

Ay-O: It does—it’s ultimately a different kind of art. My musician friends might have had some influence. Musicians compose music, but artists could make music too, and the score you wrote can be played multiple times. Printmaking allows you to make the same image more than once. It automatically rejects “art for art’s sake” [or Aestheticism].

Kakinuma: I would like to ask you some music-related questions. After you met Maciunas through Fluxus, you two had argued about whether to perform Stockhausen’s Originale. But in the end, you participated in the performance?

Ay-O: That was Paik, who initiated it, since he was working with Stockhausen in Germany. He wanted to perform Stock[hausen]’s piece but as Stockhausen was a renowned musician, you know, during the war….

Kakinuma: There were people who accused Stockhausen of being an imperialist.

Ay-O: A militarist.

Kakinuma: That caused a protest?

Ay-O: Some Americans were naïve, frankly. They’d write about past work Stockhausen had done for the Nazis and so on, and we’d respond, “We won’t do that.”

Yarita: Americans are not fond of Communism, let alone Nazism, and some are quite sensitive and hostile towards that kind of thing.

Ay-O: You know, it’s hard to avoid it when you are famous. In Japan as well, once you get recognized and are asked to write a song to glorify the nation…

Yarita: And if you made a nationalistic work, you are accused of having supported the war.

Ay-O: Precisely.

Yarita: That happened in all countries at one point.

Ay-O: Everyone goes through it. The better known you become, the more you are targeted—particularly if you are a good artist.

Yarita: In Japan, Léonard Foujita [Fujita Tsugouharu] was accused of making war paintings. He got fed up with it and never went back to Japan.

Ay-O: I know what happened. Mr. Foujita returned to France via America.

Yarita: He traveled around the world before going back.

Ay-O: I knew the person who invited him to the States—a Japanese. It was a big deal.

Yarita: Mr. Foujita’s Battle of Attu (1943), for example, depicted the suffering of the people during the war rather than glorifying it, but he was terribly criticized.

Ay-O: Well, but even if it wasn’t glorifying the war, it hurt some people.

Yarita: I guess we can say anything after the fact.

Kakinuma: So now, you performed in Originale, in the role of a sculptor?

Ay-O: Paik brought Stock[hausen]’s Originale and suggested that we perform it—he told me that my role was “the sculptor” right from the get go. Stock had composed it for his wife, Mary Bauermeister—she was an artist who used magnets in her work.

Kakinuma: So you were told to play the sculptor.

Ay-O: Yes, to play the sculptor; but then right away, George Maciunas objected to it. I didn’t want to fight over something like that, so I said, “I won’t do it.”

Kakinuma: So then what made you be in it after all?

Ay-O: It was Allan Kaprow who arranged it. Paik let Kaprow organize and direct it. I knew Kaprow and he told me that he was directing it—so I took the part of Mary Bauermeister after all; I could perform any of my pieces I wanted in it.

Kakinuma: Oh I see, that’s why you did the tooth-brushing performance in it, or shaved your beard?

Ay-O: That’s right.

Kakinuma: Were they specific to colors, like, you shaved your beard for red, brushed your teeth for orange? They were associated with colors?

Ay-O: Well, they were—they were intricately connected. Music is ultimately time and time can be simply conceived through the rainbow colors—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple. Starting with red, you can use all these colors.

Kakinuma: So you used seven colors.

Ay-O: Whether seven colors or more, they can be applied to time, so that’s why I used them.

Kakinuma: Then after that, Mr. Takemitsu [Tōru] composed Seven Hills Events for Ay-O (1966)?

Ay-O: No, it wasn’t that, it was, umm…

Kakinuma: He dedicated it to you, didn’t he?

Ay-O: Right.

Yarita: It was re-performed at MOT in 2012, wasn’t it.

Ay-O: Ah, that was great—didn’t you think it was good that it happened?

Yarita: Absolutely.

Kakinuma: I missed it; did you see it?

Yarita: I did. Aki Takahashi was there of course; so were Mr. Ichiyanagi [Toshi] and Mr. Arima [Sumihisa] and all others—Ms. Samukawa [Akiko] as well.

Ay-O: I loved it.

Yarita: That massive space with an open ceiling, unlike a usual concert hall or auditorium, felt like a hill. There were many stepladders, which were also like hills.

Ay-O: The performers were all young, with an ambition similar to ours—they were so keen and responsive. In the end, someone jumped. We were like, “no, don’t, it won’t be good at all, you’ll hurt yourself!”—but he did!

Yarita: A young man jumped.

Kakinuma: Off a stepladder?

Ay-O: He landed onto that ball. It was four to five meters high, wasn’t it?

Yarita: The magician was also great, and there was the scent from pulled flowers. It was not at all like Mr. Takemitsu’s usual music I had expected to hear; it was a kind of composite art.

Kakinuma: It sounds like performance art.

Ay-O: That’s what Mr. Takemitsu wanted to do. Back then… what was that called… there was music like that, you know?

Yarita: It’s pretty avant-garde, contemporary music.

Ay-O: I forgot the name, but Stock started it. They wanted to bring it to Japan and perform it employing all different elements.

Yarita: There’s sound, visuals, and sensations…

Kakinuma: Mr. Takemitsu was influenced by that piece of Stockhausen? Was he not?

Ay-O: By its concept; that was the motivator. Everyone was so eager to experiment with a new concept—that’s why he did it.

Kakinuma: Not that he was directly influenced, but he had his own ideas and visions.

Ay-O: We all want to try out interesting things, don’t we—not because someone has influenced you.

Yarita: When we live in similar eras in history, similar ideas can be conceived by others as well.

Ay-O: And you can’t help trying out these ideas of others’ as well.

Yarita: Speaking of Nam June Paik, when did you get to know him?

Ay-O: When I was in New York, those related to Fluxus who spoke Japanese all came to me. Paik was the first one among them [from Germany]. All kinds of Japanese people came by when Paik was doing different things, and naturally, he was part of the group.

Yarita: As you were the first Japanese artist to have moved to New York, Ms. Shiomi, Ms. Saito [Takako], and Ms. Kubota [Shigeko] all developed their connections through you.

Ay-O: It was like that. Many Japanese emerging artists moved there at that time.

Yarita: Have you ever been a part of Paik’s cello performance like this one?

Ay-O: With Charlotte [Moorman].

Kakinuma: Were you in the nude performance as the cello?

Ay-O: I wasn’t the naked one, but her. [laughs]

Kakinuma: She was nude and you were the cello in that?

Ay-O: Yeah, like this.

Yarita: She held the string like that.

Ay-O: Charlotte would play me like this, in-between her breasts. [laughs]

Yarita: Sounds nice. [laughs]

Kakinuma: That’s amazing. There’s no caption on the photo, not even your name as the cello.

Ay-O: Because it was Paik’s work—he asked Charlotte to perform it. But when it got popular and he was too busy, he’d come to me, “Ay-o, Help! Help! Help!” “Can you do this?”

Kakinuma: I get it—it’s wonderful.

Yarita: It really is. You and Mr. Paik were friends for a long time, weren’t you. I heard that he wrote a reference letter for your daughter Hanako, too?

Ay-O: Um-hum, for entering an art school. She told me that the students and teachers all came to check her out.

Kakinuma: Which school was it—in the States?

Ay-O: It was—a music school somewhere downtown, on 12th or 13th street.

Yarita: Of course, if someone came in with a reference from Nam June Paik, who was your artist idol—you’d say, “Can you introduce me to him?!”

Kakinuma: When Ben Patterson turned 70, he came [to Japan] and climbed Mt. Fuji although he did not make it to the top. You organized a sightseeing bus tour on that occasion—Fluxus did it back in ’66.

Ay-O: I chartered a bus and waited for him to climb back down to the fifth stage; then we did the Fluxus performance.

Kakinuma: You made the passengers suddenly get off in Aokigahara.

Ay-O: We did different performances of Fluxus during the ride.

Yarita: I know you got off the bus a few times. In Aokigahara, you performed Rainbow Music, like this.

Ay-O: I do stuff like that all the time—it’s boring to just stay on the bus, no?

Yarita: But your tour comes with many different events.

Kakinuma: You originally put together this tour with Mr. Akiyama [Kuniharu] back in ’66. How did the idea of the sightseeing bus come initially?

Ay-O: We had different ideas but decided this would be the best. For one, we wanted to charge the audience a fare for the ride—that was the main thing, among others.

Kakinuma: I think it’s a unique approach to use transportation.

Ay-O: Isn’t it? We wanted something unusual and fun on the bus. We also went to Sengakuji on that occasion. Sengakuji was great.

Kakinuma: Did you do similar performances in the States as well, using different modes of transportation?

Ay-O: Yes, we did it there too.

Kakinuma: What kinds of transport? I have read somewhere that you used a gondola, a rainbow gondola or something like that in Venice. You frequently organized that kind of event using vehicles, I suppose?

Ay-O: We did, it was something entertaining.

Yarita: Bus tours are great.

Ay-O: Charlotte couldn’t swim but she went into the water. She must have swallowed so much. She just jumped in even though she couldn’t swim! How crazy it was.

Kakinuma: I’ve also heard a story that Mr. Maciunas proposed you all buy a building and live together so you became co-owners and turned it into communal housing?

Ay-O: He came up with the idea and we first bought our loft building in New York together. He arranged these deals so he got a space, an apartment, say, on the first floor. That was his share for organizing it. There were three to four properties spread around the city.

Kakinuma: You thought of forming a commune?

Ay-O: Meanwhile, George found a… it was for horse racing … the American kind, where they pull a cart, like…

Yarita: A trailer?

Ay-O: Like a trailer, but it’s for horse racing.

Yarita: Must be the horses that pull a cart or carriage.

Ay-O: It was extremely beautiful. George bought a property from the owner. He always made money selling things but he ran out of business ideas so he bought it.

Kakinuma: And then, you bought the building together.

Ay-O: George wanted to sell the units to everyone to make a profit because he himself needed money.

Kakinuma: Did you also buy it?

Ay-O: No I didn’t. When I went to take a look, it was like this small house built between rivers. I had said I’d buy it but didn’t in the end. No one bought it after all.

Yarita: Oh, no! [laughs]

Ay-O: I told George that it’d be best to call up Yoko [Ono] and ask her to buy—Yoko had money, you know. So he contacted her although he had no idea what it was all about. He was rather naïve so he didn’t even know how big The Beatles were. Anyway, John and Yoko came by and George tried to sell them one of his properties but they didn’t buy it after all.

Kakinuma: George Maciunas was trying to make money through things like that.

Ay-O: He told me later, “Ay-O, it was incredible; so many journalists showed up!”

Kakinuma: There’s no doubt if Yoko and John Lennon came.

Ay-O: He was a funny guy, you know.

Yarita: He must have not realized the significance of them coming.

Kakinuma: That’s something, isn’t it, that he didn’t know The Beatles. [laughs] Coincidentally, John Cage also purchased a communal house in Stony Point around that time.

Ay-O: He had been living there a long time.

Kakinuma: Have you been there?

Ay-O: I have, maybe once, to visit friends. Those guys were doing all kinds of stuff, like mushroom picking.

Kakinuma: Did you participate in that?

Ay-O: Um-hum.

Kakinuma: That sounds like fun.

Yarita: I wish I witnessed that or took part.

Ay-O: We’d swim in a pond, men and women separately—we all swam naked and took photos. I can’t find them now though.

Kakinuma: Is it also true that you planned to buy an island and move there?

Ay-O: We didn’t buy it in the end, but went there to take a look.

Kakinuma: You yourself didn’t go, did you?

Ay-O: No I didn’t. Yoshi [Yoshimasa Wada] went though. He stayed over night there; it’s a deserted island so I don’t know where he slept but he did. He was peeing in the bush and got into some poison ivy. It got swollen so he went to the beach the next day…

Kakinuma: To cool it down. [laughs]

Ay-O: It was Yoshi and… who was it, I forget…

Kakinuma: That deserted island was a Caribbean island, right? Yoshi Wada and maybe Joe Jones?

Ay-O: No, not him, someone else who returned there from New York and became a school teacher. It was a well-known school.

Kakinuma: Not Ken Friedman?

Ay-O: No. I wonder if they still have them—I was told that the school had two limos and chauffeurs.

Kakinuma: Another thing was, while you were determined to go against abstract painting and adhere to the “concrete”, you were also interested in musique concrète, even before going to New York. You said that Mr. Mayuzumi [Toshirō] played a musical saw for you—do you remember meeting Mr. Mayuzumi in Yoko Ono’s loft? And the saw to play music with?

Ay-O: I know, I know.

Kakinuma: And he played it for you; did he?

Ay-O: That’s right.

Kakinuma: You went to listen to him play because you were interested in musique concrète, right?

Ay-O: It was rather popular to play music using unconventional instruments.

Kakinuma: You had said you were interested in that even before moving to New York?

Ay-O: Um-hum.

Yarita: So you always liked things that weren’t mainstream.

Kakinuma: And you had many different interests.

Ay-O: I suppose. I was interested in the latest music—art as well. I’m attracted to the latest anything.

Yarita: You look for things that no one has done, or else it’s not new.

Ay-O: I like things on the cutting edge.

Yarita: I guess you do, but in your case, you discover new things through concepts rather than intuition, right?

Ay-O: To find out what this new thing is, you must try it out yourself though. Doing is the best.

Kakinuma: Another endeavor was to serve various dishes as artwork to be eaten. You fried up things, like a bank note?

Ay-O: Tempura?

Kakinuma: Yes, tempura. Did you eat it?

Ay-O: You mean sweet potatoes? [**The Japanese term for a bill sounds the same as a sweet potato]

Yarita: No, I mean cash. [laughs]

Ay-O: Oh, that one—I did it a couple of times in Germany and in Europe. The bill was the equivalent of 5,000 yen or so—I let someone who had the bill fry it up and make it into a tempura, then he’d eat it.

Kakinuma: Did he? [laughs]

Ay-O: I didn’t, though.

Kakinuma: What was it about?

Ay-O: Don’t you think it’s funny to eat money?

Kakinuma: Some people say Fluxus is a joke, not art.

Ay-O: That’s alright.

Kakinuma: Are you OK about that?

Ay-O: I have no problem with it.

Yarita: I think it implies that humor is also an aspect of Fluxus. You don’t aim at making people laugh, but often, something new, peculiar, or strange provokes all kinds of emotions in the audience—sometimes fear or surprise, and other times laughter and smiles. What Fluxus was doing was not meant to be funny at first, but in the process they generated many humorous moments.

Kakinuma: Isn’t that interesting. There’s lots of humor in Fluxus for sure.

Ay-O: We had a weeklong gathering “on humor.”

Kakinuma: A seminar.

Ay-O: It was in Shiga Kogen, with five to six people, or maybe it was seven to eight.

Yarita: Sukeda Kenryō showed me the documentation.

Ay-O: Right, Sukeda was among us.

Yarita: If you’d like to know more about it, we could visit Mr. Sukeda.

Kakinuma: Sure. I’d also like to ask you about this Fluxus’ image with its tongue stuck out—it looks like an image from ancient Mexico or somewhere.

Ay-O: It is.

Kakinuma: What is this one, the hand?

Ay-O: That, George found it somewhere. It’s printed this big and we’d stick them all over.

Kakinuma: Also, this image of a young Chinese monk exposing his bottom—where did it come from?

Ay-O: Where would it have been… I don’t know.

Kakinuma: This one and this, and this hand are like the symbols of Fluxus?

Ay-O: One day, Shigeko made an image [with her crotch].

Yarita: Vagina Painting?

Ay-O: Yeah, Vagina Painting. I think that’s what it was—probably an illustration for that?

Kakinuma: Is it, really!?

Ay-O: Shigeko didn’t do much but she made that one. She complained later, “My crotch, my crotch hurts…”—it would, wouldn’t it? [laughs]

Kakinuma: It certainly would. I heard that Mr. Paik told her to do that.

Ay-O: I can see it.

Kakinuma: Wow, this is Shigeko…

Yarita: Somewhat oriental… it shows a bit of orientalism.

Ay-O: You actually found this? You’re thorough…

Yarita: This image often appears in publications.

Kakinuma: Yes, it always comes up in association with Fluxus. Also, George Maciunas made designs for everyone’s name? This one is for Ms. Shiomi; yours is beautiful, too. What was his intention behind designing everyone’s name?

Ay-O: Well, George was a designer and loved doing things like that.

Kakinuma: You mean he designed it for everyone in the group? All of them look fabulous.

Yarita: These names alone are art, aren’t they? I think “Ay-O” by itself is art.

Kakinuma: Do you have any thoughts on Fluxus at this point? If there’s anything you would like to say—what do you think Fluxus was?

Ay-O: [laughs] I wonder what it was… A strange group, I suppose; it was an odd bunch.

Kakinuma: You were all over the world, but connected with a strong sense of camaraderie—a fantastic group, I find.

Ay-O: Perhaps so, but it was a funny relationship we had.

Yarita: You mentioned Paik asking you for help; you all helped each other, right?

Ay-O: Maybe.

Yarita: Milan Knizak said…

Ay-O: Oh, that was Milan, by the way. [Milan went to the Caribbean island with Yoshi Wada.]

Yarita: Oh it was? When Milan Knizak was not able to get back into his country, he contacted you.

Ay-O: Yeah, like, “Help me!” [laughs]

Yarita: He sent telegraphs to all the countries.

Ay-O: He did, all over the world. Someone in Fluxus copied it recently, the one who drives a cab—what’s his name, do you know? Not a famous one—he makes a living driving a taxi in New York.

Kakinuma: Even still?

Ay-O: I suppose so, if there’s no other income. He came to Tokyo for the occasion of my exhibition and asked me for an interview. We spent two days on that.

Yarita: You did the interview in Kiyosumi Park?

Ay-O: Yes, we had it there; beneath the park.

Kakinuma: I find it wonderful that you are all good friends and help each other. For instance, you support one another by staging each other’s performances rather than each artist performing his or her own work.

Ay-O: Well, to become a friend of an artist, you must value his or her work first; otherwise, you are no friend.

Kakinuma: Is that so? [laughs]

Ay-O: I think it was the truth.

Kakinuma: Once you valued each other’s work, you became close.

Ay-O: And consequently, if someone just said “let’s do that performance,” everyone would come along—we never discussed it.

[An earthquake occurs]

Kakinuma: Ah, an earthquake!

Ay-O: It is—we can duck into here if it gets big.

Yarita: We’re fine—it’s not that bad. Shindo [intensity] three or four? The epicenter has been off the coast of Chiba lately.

Kakinuma: There must be many earthquakes around here, I suppose?

Ay-O: Yes, there are quite a few.

Yarita: The ground here is… it must have been the beach here?

Ay-O: Probably—the ocean’s just over there.

Kakinuma: All right, now, Ms. Yarita, do you have anything else you would like to ask?

Yarita: I’ve heard stories about the many friends you have, but what was he like—what’s his name… the one who does a headstand on your birthdays?

Ay-O: He does a headstand on my birthday and sends me the photo—his brother managed Yoko, didn’t he? [He meant Geoffrey Hendricks.]

Yarita: Jon Anderson is Yoko’s manager, I believe.

Kakinuma: Is it not Brecht?

Yarita: Not George Brecht.

Kakinuma: There’s an artist list here but I don’t know which one.

Yarita: I’m sorry I don’t know either.
As long as you have a concept, you can make Fluxus-like art without spending money. For instance, Milan Knizak’s using things found on the street—we have made so many necklaces—and the headstands as well. This idea that a unique concept becomes art with little money somewhat resonates with Pop Art—Al Hansen, for example, had similar approaches. He’d make work like these, gluing together cigarette butts or Hershey’s wrappers. They also show a refreshing concept of art that won’t cost you much to make. Many artists have made artwork like these, highlighting their ideas.

Ay-O: Their art show clear concepts—I think that’s what it is.

Yarita: Then everyone gets inspired to conceive his or her own.

Ay-O: Um-hum.

Yarita: Mr. Hansen’s choice of materials too, is stimulating. Usually a painter needs a canvas, an easel, and oil paints. But the painters in the 19th century, in Montmartre in Paris for example, struggled to afford paints. On the other hand, the artists in the 20th century would make necklaces with found objects or works with cigarette butts, without spending much money —that’s what I love, as a reflection of the 20th century.

Kakinuma: I agree.

Yarita: What is important is the concept, and that’s what you mean by “to do ideas”, I guess?

Ay-O: One thing is, I am interested in art that doesn’t cost money. Even if you apply so many thick layers of paint, it’s just paint.

Yarita: It is still a mere object.

Ay-O: Precisely. You can’t ask for money, you know.

Kakinuma: The fact that you got those sponges for free might have been an important aspect to that work.

Yarita: With a simple idea, common materials found in the 20th century’s mass-consumer society were turned into art; or you awoke everyone’s senses through your Finger Boxes—Fluxus members contributed to these new forms of art in the 20th century.

Kakinuma: Could we say then that this began with Marcel Duchamp ultimately—using readymade or already existing things to make art while focusing on a concept?

Ay-O: I don’t mean to discredit Duchamp, but we all had ideas and he was not the only one. I know everyone loves Duchamp—so do I. I went to New York because Duchamp was there.

Kakinuma: You met him at a gallery, didn’t you?

Ay-O: Many times.

Kakinuma: What was he like?

Ay-O: An old man. [laughs] He was quite old.

Kakinuma: He must have been by then.

Ay-O: He was an extremely intellectual old man.

Kakinuma: There are so many questions I should be asking as you have had many experiences and met many people—you must have a lot of invigorating stories to tell. Could I ask you one more thing—what did you think was the difference between “happenings” and “events”? Kaprow’s works were “happenings” whereas Fluxus members called their activities “events.”

Ay-O: A “happening” was for one time whereas “events” could be done many times. [The battery of the video runs out] That was our view, basically.

Kakinuma: Some say Kaprow is…

Ay-O: No, Kaprow is the Happening.

Kakinuma: Exactly, they say he is not Fluxus.

Ay-O: No, he isn’t.

Kakinuma: He is not, I guess?

Ay-O: He preceded Fluxus.

Kakinuma: He had some connections with Fluxus but was never a member.

Ay-O: George Maciunas coined the name “Fluxus” but Kaprow was before that, you know.

Yarita: Yes, as Maciunas gave the group its name…

Kakinuma: I see, so that’s the difference. You met Cage a few times, I believe?

Ay-O: Yeah, I did.

Kakinuma: Do you remember anything about him that left an impression on you?

Ay-O: I do, but what can I tell you?

Kakinuma: Well, I suppose [laughs]. That’s OK. Anything else?

Yarita: I’m OK.

Kakinuma: Thank you very much for this opportunity. It’s been fascinating.

Yarita: Thank you so much.

Kakinuma: I’m really hoping that you will organize another event like the one you did at MOT—“Viva! Fluxus.”

Ay-O: Viva! Fluxus.

Kakinuma: It was the last event everyone participated in.

Yarita: I really enjoyed it.

An illustration drawn by Ay-O for 07th

エリック・アンデルセン オーラル・ヒストリー

エリック・アンデルセン オーラル・ヒストリー

2014年4月21日 京都市 ホリーズカフェ四条室町店

エリック・アンデルセン(Eric Andersen)
1940年ベルギーのアントワープ生まれ。デンマークのコペンハーゲン在住のアーティスト。子供の頃から音楽に親しみ、デンマークの著名な作曲家に作曲を学んだが、1959年以降はインターメディア・アートに関心を持つようになる。1962年11月フルクサスの創設メンバーとなり、第2回フルクサス展——コペンハーゲンのニコライ教会で開催されたフェスティヴァル——に参加し、最初のフルクサスの出版物『ザ・ロールThe Roll』に貢献した。1965年、ニューヨークに滞在して、様々な場所でパフォーマンスを行なう。1962年から65年にかけてはドイツのアーティスト、アルトゥール・ケプケと一緒に制作を行ない、1960年代後半にはメール・アートに携わった。また70年代には地理的な空間に関心を持つようになる。2014年4月に東京都現代美術館で開催された「フルクサス・イン・ジャパン2014」のために初来日。代表作として《隠された絵画》、《泣く空間》、《太陽の芝生》、そして演奏のたびに作品番号が変わる4人のピアニストのための《Opus XXX》がある。インタヴューには夫人のインゲ・アンデルセンも参加した。






































柿沼:なぜあなたはご自分の作品に作品番号(opus number)をつけるのだろうと思っていたのですが、だからなんですね……。



エリック・アンデルセン:私はもともと音楽をやっていましたから、opus番号をつけたんです。でも、私が使う番号はまったくランダムに選ばれています。Opus no.1は最初の曲ではなく、opus no. 2は次の曲ではありません。作品にはその度ごとに新しい番号をつけます。

柿沼:そうするとopus no.1は14歳のときの作品ではないのですか。


柿沼:opus no.1は何の作品でしょうか。

エリック・アンデルセン:私は作品について言うたびに、違う番号をつけています。ある作品がopus 51と呼ばれることもあれば、次のときにはopus 32と呼ばれるといった具合に。今回やったマッサージの作品は、正確には覚えていませんが、《opus 140-0022》です(註:実際の番号は《Opus 135-0022》)。


エリック・アンデルセン:ありません。この作品を次回に作品番号1と呼ぶことはできるでしょう。この番号は美術館の郵便番号なんです。《Opus 144-0022》(《opus 135-0022》)は美術館の番号だったんです。もし明日これをやるなら、opus no.1と呼ぶことができます。それでいいんです。




エリック・アンデルセン:イブ・ネアホルム(Ib Nørholm)といったデンマークの作曲家たちです。ネアホルムはひじょうに有名なデンマークの合唱作曲家です。


エリック・アンデルセン:これはデンマーク特有の……。ニールス・ヴィゴ・ベンソン(Niels Viggo Bentzon)もひじょうに有名な作曲家です。それからヘアマン・ダーヴィド・コペル (Herman David. Koppel)。この二人はもう亡くなりました。この人(ネアホルム)はいま85歳かそのくらいです。そしてピアニストのアンケル・ブリーメ(Anker Blyme)。彼はピアニストですが、それ以外の人たちは作曲家です。ブリーメはピアニスト兼作曲家です。




















エリック・アンデルセン:私たちはこれをインターネディア、あるいはアクション、あるいはイヴェントと呼びましたし、色々な言い方で呼びました。私は自分の作品を「オカランシズoccurrences」と呼びました。それから「アート・トータルart total」という言い方もありました。ベン・ヴォティエは作品を「アート・トータル」と呼びました。また「アクション・アート」という言葉も使いました。ですから数多くの言葉が使われたんです。しかし、ジョージ・マチューナスはいつも亡命リトアニア人のための文芸誌をつくる夢を持っていて、その雑誌を「フルクサス」と呼びたいと思っていました。しかし、彼はそれを実現できませんでした。リトアニア人のための文芸誌を出版するためのスポンサーがなかったんです。







































































柿沼:実際のところ、あなたの作品を見たのは、今回が始めてです。というのはあなたにとって、今回がはじめての来日になりますから。あなたの他の作品は何も知りません。ですから、《隠された絵画Hidden Painting》や《泣く空間Crying Space》といった作品についても説明していただけますか。どんな作品をおやりになったのでしょうか。

エリック・アンデルセン:《隠された絵画》は90年にコペンハーゲン国立美術館で行なった作品の一部です。それは3つの部分からなる作品で、《Opus 90》と呼ばれました。90年にやったからです。
そして《opus 90》の3番目の要素はひとつの絵画でした。幅15メートル、高さ8メートルの巨大な壁画です。私が自分で描いたのではありません。ある女性にこの絵を描いてほしい、描きたいものを描いていいと頼みました。しかし、この展覧会の後、この絵画が卓抜な技術をもつ保存者によって隠され、将来ずっと保護されることになることを、彼女は知らされます。でも誰も見ることができないのです。それは隠された絵画なのですから。芸術のコレクションのなかではじめての隠された絵画なのです。






























































































エリック・アンデルセン:ジノ・ディ・マッジオは素晴らしいイタリアのキュレーターです。彼は1990年のヴェネツィアのビエンナーレでフクルサスのセクションをつくりました。それはUbi Fluxus Ibi Motusと呼ばれました。ラテン語です。それは「変化のないところには生命はない」という意味です。そしてこの言葉が2000年前のポンペイの壁に書かれていたのが発見されました。



















柿沼:分かりました。あなたはまた、“arte strumentale”について述べていらっしゃいます。これはどういう意味ですか。

エリック・アンデルセン:それは私が開始した……。実際には私が最初につくった作品は“arte strumentale”ではなくて、“Handy Art”と呼ばれました。手で行なうものということです。
それから、イタリアでこの作品をやったときに、“arte strumentale”と呼びました。というのは90年代にはイタリアに住んでいたからです。そして芸術が様々な目的のために使用する一種の道具であるような場合に、この“arte strumentale”という言葉を使ったんです。1961年に行なった作品もそうでした。大きな、6メートルかける2メートルくらいのもので、この大きなプレートのこちら側に、形をつくるための様々なものが置かれました。木を切るための様々な道具、木を様々な形に形成するためのもの、磨くもの、のこぎりで切って小片にするためのものなどです。そして気に入ったように木片を加工した後で、それを台のうえに置いて、隅の方に行って、それを銃で撃つのです。こうして作業場と射撃練習場をつくったんです。これはオーディエンスが自分の作品をつくることのできるインタラクティヴな作品でした。こちらはただ道具と木を提供するだけなんです。オーディエンスは出かけて行って、こうした道具で自分のアート作品をつくり、その後で離れたところから撃って形をつくるのです。ですから、この部分は手で行なうものであり、また距離を置いて行なうものでもあったのです。








柿沼:それが“arte strumental”eですか。

















































柿沼:はい、あるいはCDは? CDは出していませんか。



























Eric Andersen, Oral History

Oral History Interview with Eric Andersen

Date: April 21, 2014
Place: Holly’s Café, Shijō-Muromachi, Kyoto
Interviewer: Kakinuma Toshie

Eric Andersen
Born in Antwerp in 1940. Living in Copenhagen. Eric Anderson started to study music in his childhood, taking composition lessons with renowned Danish composers. From 1959 on, he took an early interest in intermedia art. In November 1962 he became a founding member of Fluxus, taking part in the second Fluxus manifestation–festival held in the Nikolai Church in Copenhagen–and contributing to the first Fluxus publication, The Roll. In 1965, he stayed in New York, performing in various venues. From 1962 to 1966 he worked closely with German artist Arthur Köpcke, and turned in the late 1960s to mail art. In the 1970s, he was keenly concerned with geographical space. In 2014, he visited Japan to participate in ‘Fluxus in Japan 2014’ held at Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo. His most eminent works include Hidden Paintings, Crying Spaces, Lawns that turn towards the Sun, and Opus XXX for 4 pianists whose Opus number changes every time it is performed. His wife Inge Andersen joined this interview too.

Oral History Interview with Eric Andersen

Kakinuma: You participated in “Fluxus in Japan 2014” this time. What is your impression? What do you think of the festival?

Eric Andersen: I’m so impressed by the festival. Originally, it was six other artists. It was Alison Knowles, but she couldn’t come. And it was Ben Vautier, but he couldn’t come. So, these two persons were substituted by Milan Knizak and Ben Patterson. I would’ve preferred it with Alison and Ben Vautier because I think they are stronger, but that’s okay. People get old and they cannot travel so much anymore, so that is okay.
What I think about the festival, the format is not done so often, it’s done sometimes but not so often, that every artist gets their own evening. I think that is a very strong format, not to only make collective evenings but every artist has the responsibility for each evening. And all this makes a very good festival. And then to end like a kind of finale, then all the artists come together and they decide on the program of people who are not present. So, we’ve become a representation and become the perspective of the Intermedia work.
I think they have made a wonderful festival, and I certainly think that Mihoko [Nishikawa Mihoko, a curator at Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo] made an incredible effort. I’m so impressed about the Mihoko’s attitude and how busy she is and how she can get all the details organized. She never forgets anything. And also, she has very a good crowd around her of volunteers. So, I was entirely impressed. I think it’s one of the best Fluxus festivals ever made.

Kakinuma: Thank you! Yes, I think what is good about the festival is every artist has his own or her own evening or day. But they present other people’s works too, not only their own works but other people—that is very good.

Eric Andersen: No, not only their own work, but they make their own choices out of body of works because you can—there are one million works to choose from. So, you have to make a certain kind of perspective in this huge body of work. And every artist has their own interpretation. So, that’s very good.
Kakinuma: Yes. And so, collaboration is a keyword for Fluxus.

Eric Andersen: You know we only agree about one thing, the Fluxus artists only agree about one thing and that is Fluxus was never a movement, it was never an art movement.

Kakinuma: So, what is Fluxus then? It’s not a group, but it’s not a movement. What is Fluxus?

Eric Andersen: It’s a network—because it was the first time in history when the artists, they made their own network. It is not a critic. It is not a school. It is not somebody who organizes something. It is the artist themselves who built a network—an international global network. And I used to say that Fluxus was the first internet before the computer.

Kakinuma: Wow! That’s very interesting. Yes!

Eric Andersen: And the interesting thing is that the terminology we used in ’62, like globalism, interaction, simultaneity, and stuff like this, all of these words appeared again when they had the first computer in the ’80s with a processor called 86. They used the same terminology as they used in ’62.

Kakinuma: So, it’s kind of collective intelligence?

Eric Andersen: Yes.

Kakinuma: It’s a precursor of collective intelligence?

Eric Andersen: Yes, but also our mind was tuned to this kind of global communication in ’62. And then when you have a mind tuned for it, you develop a society, you develop the technology later on. So, you can actually process this kind of understanding.

Kakinuma: Okay, good. And you said in some of the articles, you did your first intermedia work in 1959 which is very early, it’s before Fluxus. What is that work? Could you explain about it?

Eric Andersen: In ’59, it was an 8-mm film where I went on—do you have a piece of paper, then I could draw…

Kakinuma: Yes.

Eric Andersen: It’s a building. It’s a museum called Thorvaldsen. This is a very famous Danish sculptor from the 18th century, Thorvaldsen Museum. There I made an 8-mm film. First I shot this one, then I shot this one, then I shot this one. So, I made all of these sequences of film to cover the whole façade. And then I invited for a performance, people could come and see the performance. And then I projected the same sequence back to the façade. So, it was a film projected on what was photographed, and that is ’59. Then later on, I had another performance inside the museum with a piano piece, and that is in ’60. That is a piano piece and percussion.

Kakinuma: Piano piece and percussion?

Eric Andersen: Yes.

Kakinuma: Is that Intermedia work?

Eric Andersen: Intermedia work, yes.

Kakinuma: Why is it—it’s a musical work, I think.

Eric Andersen: The piano was used and percussion was used, but the score is a score that gives a lot of directions, possibilities of how to perform. But nobody will be able to perform it because it’s too complicated. So, nobody can make the right version. You can only make a proximity to the piece. You can never really perform the piece. You can only perform some part of it because it’s much too complicated. You have to think of too many parameters at the same time when you play the piece. So, it’s a score impossible to realize. That’s why it’s an Intermedia piece.

Kakinuma: Okay. May I go back more because I looked at these articles, but I couldn’t find any information about your earlier pre-Fluxus period.

Eric Andersen: Yes. Also in ’61—did you go to the concert on Friday—last Friday…

Kakinuma: Yes.

Eric Andersen: …over there with the piano piece, with the four pianists?

Kakinuma: Yes, yes, of course I saw it.

Eric Andersen: This was 1961.

Kakinuma: Oh, really?!

Eric Andersen: Yes.

Kakinuma: So I’m wondering, what is your background, your background is music?

Eric Andersen: Yes, I’m educated as a musician. I made the first music when I was 14 years old. A musician starts much earlier than visual artists.

Kakinuma: Did you study music?

Eric Andersen: Yes, I studied music and I was educated as a composer. I wrote the first music when I was 14. And my first intermedia work is from ’59 and ’60 and ’61. But I always knew I would never only write music. The whole concert situation with a very passive audience and a very strong hierarchy in the orchestra situation, I was completely against. I would make some kind of interaction with the audience, and I would try to have musicians to relate to each other in a completely different way.

Kakinuma: I was wondering why you put opus to your works, so that’s why…

Eric Andersen: Yes, opus just means work. It is Latin, and it means work.

Kakinuma: Yes, but usually composers put opus to their work, not visual artists, they don’t put opus.

Eric Andersen: I’m from music, so I just used opus. But you know, the numbers I used are completely random; Opus 1 is not the first piece and Opus 2 is not the next piece. I give them a new number every time.

Kakinuma: So Opus number 1 is work you composed when you were 14?

Eric Andersen: No.

Kakinuma: What is Opus 1?

Eric Andersen: I just give them a different number every time I mention the work. Sometimes a work is called Opus 51, next time the same work is called Opus 32. The work I’ve made with the massage and knock the knee, it was called—I don’t remember exactly—1400022…[note: actual number is Opus 135-0022]

Kakinuma: So, there is no Opus number 1?

Eric Andersen: No. I can call this work number one next time. This is the zip code of the museum—the postal zip code of the museum. So, Opus 1440022 [Opus 135-0022], it was for the museum. Tomorrow when I do this work, I can call it Opus 1, it’s okay.

Kakinuma: Good, very interesting! Did you study music at a conservatory or a university or what?

Eric Andersen: Private teachers, yes. My father at that time was very rich, so we made a deal that I could take the best teachers I could find and they would teach me how to compose music. And then I would also take over his business when he wanted to retire. But I never took over his business, I only got the good teachers.

Kakinuma: Who did you study with, your composition?

Eric Andersen: Danish composers like Ib N ø rholm, who is a very famous Danish choir composer.

Kakinuma: Could you write the name?

Eric Andersen: This is a special Danish…. Niels Viggo Bentzon is a very famous composer too. And Herman D. Koppel. These two are dead now. This man [N ø rholm] is now 85 or something like that. And then the pianist, also Anker Blyme is a pianist. He’s a pianist, and the rest are composers. But he’s a pianist and a composer.

Kakinuma: I know a very famous composer, Nielsen…

Eric Andersen: What?

Inge Andersen: Carl Nielsen?

Eric Andersen: Yes, he’s long dead.

Inge Andersen: Yes, he’s famous.

Eric Andersen: But these people were in their 30s and 40s when I started with them in the ’50s. Now most of them are dead or they’re very old now.

Kakinuma: I see. You didn’t mention anything about this—about your musical background in these articles, so I was wondering—but maybe I thought you might…

Eric Andersen: If you look at the people in the network, many of them started music, others started theatre, others came from visual arts. If you look at Dick Higgins, he was a composer, he was never educated as a visual artist. La Monte Young, Terry Riley, I think, or Mieko Shiomi.

Kakinuma: Yes, and Yoko Ono studied music at college.

Eric Andersen: She started music too and Ichiyanagi.

Kakinuma: Ichiyanagi and Kosugi.

Eric Andersen: So, a lot of people come with musical background. In fact I think—and then some people came from literature like Jackson Mc Low, Philip Corner did music too. So, it’s a very mixed group of people who formed the network. And I think that was one the strong elements of it that we came different traditions and from different parts of the world. So, it was really a truly international phenomenon.

Kakinuma: Great! I want to go back to the first Fluxus concert in 1962 at Wiesbaden. Did you participate in it?

Eric Andersen: No.

Kakinuma: I know you didn’t. So, when did you first participate in the Fluxus movement—not movement, but Fluxus network?

Eric Andersen: Just after Wiesbaden, in Copenhagen in November ’62.

Kakinuma: November ’62? Same year?

Eric Andersen: Yes, but the interesting thing is that when people met in Wiesbaden…
In Wiesbaden, it was people who lived in Germany at the time. It was Ben Patterson, Emmett Williams, Nam June Paik, and George Maciunas. And then Alison and Dick Higgins came from the United States, they were the only people who came from outside. And at that time, Fluxus was not used as a terminology.

Kakinuma: What did you call it?

Eric Andersen: We called it intermedia or action or events, or we called it a hundred different things. I called my own work for occurrences. And art total, Ben Vautier called the work “art total.” And we used action art. So, hundreds of different words were used. But then George Maciunas, he always had the dream to make a cultural magazine for exiled Lithuanians and he wanted to call this magazine Fluxus. But he never realized it. There were no sponsors to do this cultural magazine for Lithuanians.
So when he was in Wiesbaden working for the air force, the United States Air Force—and the reason why he was there was because he went bankrupt in New York, so he had to escape from the creditors; he took it out of the country because people wanted to kill him. So, he had a job in the air force in Wiesbaden. It was the headquarters of the American Air Force where he was a graphic designer. And the whole festival in Wiesbaden was paid by the Air Force, but they didn’t know it. It was George Maciunas that took all the material from the U.S. Air Force and used it in the festival.
Then he wanted to call it Fluxus because now we had this word. And the rest of us never heard about this word before, but we have been doing works all of us long time before from ’58 or ’59 or ’60. And then when the first review came about the festival, it was I think four different concerts, and after the first concert they called in the newspaper the headline was Fluxus is a scandal, the crazy people are lunatics. So, it was the press that called it Fluxus because George Maciunas used this word. We never decided to call it Fluxus—never! It was the press who coined the term ‘Fluxus’. So, now we were suddenly Fluxus. Before we were action art, event, occurrences, art total, musical theatre, hundreds and hundreds of things, and now suddenly we were Fluxus.

Kakinuma: So, the press called Wiesbaden festival Fluxus?

Eric Andersen: Yes. So, we were—suddenly we had a name.

Kakinuma: Good! Okay. Then you started your own work, Fluxus activities, right?

Eric Andersen: No, I never use the word Fluxus.

Kakinuma: You never used the word!

Eric Andersen: Absolutely, never used the word Fluxus!

Kakinuma: But anyway…

Eric Andersen: And there was never a manifest. George Maciunas wrote a manifest for Dusseldorf in ’64, but nobody wanted to sign it. And George Maciunas, he never understood Fluxus. George Maciunas wanted to make a movement, an art movement, he wanted to make a brand, he wanted to make a special design. We all disagreed! And if you look at the way…

Kakinuma: So, there was a big conflict between Maciunas and other people?

Eric Andersen: Yes. It was not a conflict, but he had another intention. And we had a very flexible attitude, so if he wanted to do it this way, it was okay, he can do it this way, we’re doing it another way. He published all these old boxes, plastic boxes. And if you look at the way we published own work, we never published small plastic boxes. It was only his way to do it. But it was okay, he could do what he wanted. If he wanted to provide plastic boxes, he could do that. But we never agreed. And if you, for example, look at George Brecht’s work, when he published his own work, it’s completely different from the way George Maciunas published his work. But we had a very open, flexible, tolerant relation to each other—you can do this, you can do that, and so on.
And in fact our basic attitude was that if somebody did something very good, we were so happy because then we didn’t have to do it ourselves and we could do something different. So, we never tried to make a scene or an outline or a special format. We try to go different directions all of us all the time. And it worked very well because we didn’t live together, we weren’t in the same town, so we were able to work more with people that were not a part of the network than with people that were a part of the network. And this is very true because we have more people not here in the network than people who are in the network.

Kakinuma: Yes. To make the network effective, your mail art is very powerful for making network. Could you explain about your mail art? What kind of art is it?

Eric Andersen: The mail artwork was the substitution for the computer. We didn’t have the computer as the internet media, we had mail instead. So, we mailed information to each other all the time, but it was not…

Kakinuma: What kind of mail did you send to people?

Eric Andersen: Postcards.

Kakinuma: What did you write on it?

Eric Andersen: It could, for example, be—I made a piece in ’62 about people sitting in different parts of the world doing the same piece at the same time.

Kakinuma: Did you write…

Eric Andersen: Then I wrote the time.

Kakinuma: …music or word or what?

Eric Andersen: No. Do what you want as a part of this piece at the same time all over the world, so nobody could hear the whole piece, but everybody knew they were in contact by some time schedule from all over the world on a specific day in ’62. The mails, the pieces were not scores that we sent out, it was more reports about something we have done.

Kakinuma: Report?

Eric Andersen: Yes, so what is called scores are most often a report about something we did. It is not something we wanted to do, but it’s something we already did. And then we informed other people about it in the network. And then most of these reports were then used as scores for future performances by different people.

Kakinuma: And when did you start the mail art?

Eric Andersen: I think we started already in ’60.

Kakinuma: In the ’60?

Eric Andersen: In ’60…

Kakinuma: ’60?!

Eric Andersen: Yes, two years before Fluxus…

Kakinuma: 1960?!

Eric Andersen: Yes.

Kakinuma: Wow! If that’s true, it’s very early!

Eric Andersen: And we were in contact with each other before Fluxus. I knew Emmett Williams and La Monte Young before ’62. But then of course we met more people after ’62 because it was becoming a more effective network. And also we started to travel to the different cities where people were living and Fluxus and this was very important because we had no money.
So when I went to New York, I couldn’t go to a hotel. But then I stayed with Dick Higgins or I stayed at George Maciunas. And when Dick Higgins came to Copenhagen, he couldn’t pay the hotel, so he stayed with me, so we became a kind of local platform for each other when you were traveling. And that was a very function in the Fluxus network that we had a kind of facility, local facilities for each other.

Kakinuma: The other day you mentioned that you stayed in Manhattan?

Eric Andersen: Yes.

Kakinuma: How long did you stay in New York? Which year?

Eric Andersen: In ’65, I stayed three months.

Kakinuma: ’65?

Eric Andersen: Yes.

Kakinuma: Three months?

Eric Andersen: Yes. And I did a number of performances there, one was in Café au Go Go on the corner of Bleeker Street and West Broadway. And in the East End Theatre, George Maciunas organized a whole series of performances in the East End Theatre. And if you look at the poster there, it was Yoko Ono, Shigeko Kubogta, Willem de Ritter, myself and a few other people. We had each an evening there. And I went together with Dick Higgins and Alison Knowles and Al Hansen to Provincetown where we made The First World Congress of Happenings.

Kakinuma: Happenings?

Eric Andersen: Yes, The First World Congress of Happenings. There was never a second world congress or third world congress. And that was Al Hansen, Dick Higgins, Alison, and I. So, it was a small world congress of only four people.

Kakinuma: Allan Kaprow didn’t participate in it? Allan Kaprow? Do you know him?

Eric Andersen: Sure!

Kakinuma: Yes, so he didn’t participate in it?

Eric Andersen: No.

Kakinuma: No. What do you think of Allan Kaprow?

Eric Andersen: I think he’s very important. He made the first happenings in ’58.

Kakinuma: Yes, but he’s not Fluxus.

Eric Andersen: He was a part of the network. But his work is more didactic, more academic than most of the other artists’ work. And also he was a professor all this life.

Kakinuma: Yes. Actually I studied with him in California. I took his class.

Eric Andersen: Yes, but he was a wonderful person and I think…

Kakinuma: Oh, yes, yes, yes!

Eric Andersen: …some of his works were very good.

Kakinuma: When I met him first, he told me I’m a disciple of John Cage, and he went to Zen Center.

Eric Andersen: Yes. He was very nice. But he preferred mostly to work as a solo.

Kakinuma: What?

Eric Andersen: He preferred to work only as a solo.

Kakinuma: Solo?

Eric Andersen: Yes, not to make a whole program with other people or to make an event because he controlled completely from the beginning to the end. But he made it many times anyway both, in Europe and United States, and always had a good relation. It is very interesting that he saw himself as a pupil of John Cage because if you ask Nam June Paik, then he would say, “I love John Cage, he’s like a grandfather to me, but I don’t believe in his philosophy.” So, artistically he was not impressed or influenced by John Cage. But only he liked him as an old figure there, who had done important things in…

Kakinuma: Personally, mentoring he admired John Cage.

Eric Andersen: Yes, but not as a…

Kakinuma: Not as artist.

Eric Andersen: I think that goes for those people in the Fluxus network that we liked John Cage very much for what he achieved. But we don’t see him as an intermedia artist, we see him as a more classical composer. So, he’s not the father of Fluxus or anything, absolutely not. We liked him a lot.

Kakinuma: Okay. In 1996, you did a large event for cultural capital of Europe, and you presented a variety of works including live sheep. Could you explain about it? It’s very interesting!

Eric Andersen: I never had so much money before. I had $1 million to make a three-day event. And the way we started was every evening at 8 o’clock, 2000 people in the audience came in a medieval church and I had organized a concert with a choir and organ music. It took half an hour or something like that.
And then, the audience of 2000 people was divided into 10 groups of 200 people each, and I had invited 10 artists from all over the world. It was Larry Miller, Willem de Ritter, from Italy Nicolini, and so on—10 different artists, to make an event with these 200 people going from the cathedral at the top of the town, through the town, the only medieval capital called Roskilde, and then to go down to the Fjord, old Viking settlement at the Fjord. And there I had ballad with helicopters, five helicopters doing a ballad of the sky. I had 500 singers walking on the Fjord that old problem, how to walk on the water, it was realized [Note: The engineers built a 200 m long and 10 m wide bridge just 3 cm below the surface of the water. The bridge was floating so it would change position in accordance with the tides of the Fjord. The whole thing was balanced, so the bridge could carry 500 singers and still remain 3 cm below the surface of the water. The illusion was created that the singers were standing and walking on the water itself.].
And one of the tours from the cathedral and down to the Fjord was with 200 sheep who were running around—the sheep are controlled by dogs—really good dogs, they can control a group of sheep completely. These dogs took the sheep and toured them around town. So, they visited the squares and the streets and came through the park, and it became very pastoral, pastoral scene. And I remember one day one of the crowds got out of control, so the sheep went into the bank and started eating all the plants in the bank. The bank was not very happy about it.

Kakinuma: But you did it in the daytime or at night—in the evening?

Eric Andersen: From 8 o’clock in the evening to midnight. It was for…

Kakinuma: ___ sheep were touring…

Eric Andersen: Yes, touring.

Kakinuma: …inside the city?

Eric Andersen: Yes.

Kakinuma: Amazing!

Eric Andersen: It’s not mentioned in details, but it’s a part of this article, you have it…

Kakinuma: Oh, really! It’s a little bit, yes. Just a little bit, yes. Let’s see, okay. You can participate in if you want.

Inge Andersen: I’m just telling him what he should remember to tell you, but he already told you, so it’s okay.

Kakinuma: Actually, this is the first time I saw your work because this is the first visit to Japan for you, so this is for me the first time to see your work. I don’t know anything about your other works. So, could you explain something about your works like Hidden Painting or Crying Space? What kind of work did you do?

Eric Andersen: The Hidden Painting is a part of work that I did for the Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Copenhagen in ’90. And that consists of three parts, this work. It was called Opus 90 because it was in ’90.
In the entrance hall of the museum, there’s a huge hall that is 18 m high and it’s at least 50 m this way and 30 m this way, a huge entrance hall. And in this hall, I hanged boxes that have a cubic meter of 1, so it’s 1 m on each side, and 50 of these boxes were hanging from the ceiling in different heights. And it was impossible for the audience to look inside because it was too high up. So, they had to visit the box with a working lift. When you see people doing façade works and so on, you have a machine called a lift. One or two men stand in and control it, and they come off and can visit different points.
So, they had to get into a lift where a guard from the museum would control it. Then they could only have one choice—you could only choose one box out of the 50 boxes. And then the guard would take the person up to this box and then you could stay there as long as you wanted, you could stay the whole day if you wanted. People would queue up to the lift like in a supermarket waiting for their turn, so they could come into this universe of 50 boxes. This was one element. Another element was there were a number of chairs, 50 chairs with a text written on it, printed on it, a common member of Eric Andersen’s random audience. And they could take these chairs and put them anywhere in the museum. This was a completely free element. The other one was controlled very strictly by rules.
And the third element of Opus 90 was a painting, a huge mural that was 15 m wide and 8 m high. And I didn’t make this painting myself. I asked a woman to do this painting, and she could do what she wanted. But she would know that after the show this painting would be hidden by the very skilled conservators, so it would be protected for all future time. But nobody would be able to see it, it would be a hidden painting—the first hidden painting in any collection of art.
After six weeks or whatever, the boxes were taken down, chairs were spread all over the museum, and the painting was hidden. And now people can go in the kiosk and they could buy a postcard, so they can see how the Hidden Painting looks, but they cannot see the Hidden Painting, they can only see more where it’s hidden inside the wall—the Hidden Painting. And there’s a note on the wall—here’s the Hidden Painting.

Kakinuma: I’d have to see the postcard.

Eric Andersen: They can see the postcard, but they can never see the picture. And it’s very interesting that Mona Lisa, when it was stolen in the 1920s, more people came to Louvre to see the stolen Mona Lisa that was not there anymore than people came before to see the Mona Lisa when it was there. People came more often to see Mona Lisa not there than to see Mona Lisa there.

Kakinuma: Interesting!

Eric Andersen: Yes. We have a lot of people come into the Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Copenhagen to see the Hidden Painting.

Kakinuma: It’s still there?!

Eric Andersen: It’s still there, and it’ll be there forever. I have a contract with the museum that this painting can never be revealed again and has to remain hidden for all future time.

Inge Andersen: Yes, I thought we had photos here. You don’t have any?

Eric Andersen: No.

Kakinuma: No? Okay. So, that’s the Hidden Painting.

Eric Andersen: She painted it. The person I chose to paint it had to live up to three criteria. It has to be a woman. Of course there are very few women in the collection of the Royal Museum of Fine Arts. She has to be very well accepted so that her paintings would be sold for high amounts by galleries, so nobody could say this is worthless. Everybody had to agree it has a high value. And the third criterion was that she was not already in the collection.
And this way I decided to put her in the collection without the acceptance of the curators. So, certainly the museum could not decide what they were buying, I decided what they were buying.

Kakinuma: What’s her name? Could you write it down?

Eric Andersen: Yes, Lise Malinovsky.

Inge Andersen: Actually, it’s one of her best things she has ever done, I think.

Kakinuma: You think.

Inge Andersen: Yes. And do you think it’s one of her best things?

Eric Andersen: Yes, absolutely best thing! Lise Malinovsky.

Kakinuma: Is she Russian?

Eric Andersen: No, no, she’s Danish.

Inge Andersen: But I think her parents may be from…

Kakinuma: Russia?

Eric Andersen: Yes, Russia.

Inge Andersen: Way back, yes, her family comes from Russia.

Kakinuma: Very interesting!

Eric Andersen: And the boxes, they’re now controlled by a computer program. So, a computer decides where the boxes should appear in the museum and for how long and what should be the concept.

Kakinuma: Is this a permanent collection?

Eric Andersen: Yes.

Kakinuma: So still there?!

Eric Andersen: It’s still there.

Kakinuma: Wow! Great!

Eric Andersen: So, the curators can’t decide about this work. This work decides by itself—where it could show up in the museum, in this room or in this room, and what is in the box and for how long.

Kakinuma: What is this box made of?

Eric Andersen: Wood—it’s a 1 cubic meter wood, and then a completely different kind of content in the box. But the computer decides about the content, the position, and curation.

Kakinuma: There’s no color.

Inge Andersen: Yes, there are colors.

Kakinuma: You put colors?

Eric Andersen: Seven different colors.

Kakinuma: Wow! Beautiful!

Inge Andersen: We’ll send you some photos.

Eric Andersen: I will send you some photos.

Kakinuma: Thank you! Well, would you describe about this or—you know, there are many, so I don’t know how—you know…

Eric Andersen: The Crying Space as I made in Verona in Italy.

Kakinuma: In Italy?

Inge Andersen: Verona?

Kakinuma: Verona is the town of Romeo and Juliet, the Shakespeare…

Inge Andersen: Oh, Romeo and Juliet?

Eric Andersen: Yes—very sad story.

Kakinuma: Yes, I know!

Eric Andersen: And there was a collector, he’s dead now, but there was a very important collector called Francesco Conz.

Kakinuma: Curator?

Eric Andersen: He’s a collector. He asked me, “Do something for me, please, and then I’ll pay everything.” So I said, “Okay, I will make a Crying Stone.” It’s made of marble, a very fine marble called Verona, also. It was red marble, and you can find it in many cathedrals of the Renaissance, a beautiful red marble. For example, in Venice on the floor of the Margaret’s Church, it’s all Verona marble. And you can see it’s a soft marble because you can see there people have walked for hundreds and hundreds of years, there are small changes of the stone.
So, this one is made like this where you can hold it in your arms this piece of marble. Then you can cry and the tears drop down in the two small cavities. So you are sitting with your crying stone, when you want to cry, and then the tears are dropping down. And since this is a very precious object, it goes from generation to generation to generation. And after maybe 400 years, all the tears have changed the shape of the Crying Stone. So, it’s slowly being changed by tears this marble. And it goes together with a very elegant box made of mahogany. So I said to him, “I would like everybody on the globe to have a Crying Stone, so please make six billion.”

Inge Andersen: It is big and very heavy.

Eric Andersen: It’s 12 kilos.

Kakinuma: 12 kilo, wow! Heavy!

Eric Andersen: And so he said, “Eric, six billion is a little bit too much for me, but I’ll make 19”. He made 19 crying stones with very elegant boxes, so you could travel with it. So, like you have your computer and you have your credit cards, also you have the Crying Stone. When you travel, so when you’re in an airplane and you want to cry, take off in Crying Stone and sit and cry.
But I wanted to make it as a public facility. Now that everybody didn’t have their own stone, only 19 stones existed, so I wanted to make a crying space. At first, I made it in galleries. There was a crying space in New York for a few months and in Vienna and in Milano and many, many places. Paris had a crying place for a few months—many, many places.

Kakinuma: Places mean cities, no?

Inge Andersen: No, a space.

Kakinuma: Space?

Inge Andersen: Yes.

Eric Andersen: Space is a situation, a room where you can go and cry—a crying space, a room, like a gallery, yes. So in the gallery, I put six of these stones and also a lot of tools to make you cry. If you cannot cry yourself and maybe a very strong ventilator will make you cry, stand in front of the ventilator for 10 seconds, and then suddenly your tears will run down, or that have chili—very strong chili. And if you don’t like how you look, you can look into a mirror and then start to cry, and—many, many different things, tools to start to cry. And also I had a tape from a—there’s a special tradition in Finland, that People have professional mourners, professional crying songs and so on. And when you listen to these songs, you really feel so sad that you have to cry. So, all different kinds of tools.

Kakinuma: Why did you get interested in crying instead of laughing?

Eric Andersen: Because crying is the only language we have where we don’t know why you cry. There are so many reasons for crying. You can be happy. You can be unhappy. You can be tired. You can have something in your eye. There’s no way we can tell from the body language why you cry. So, it’s the only language we have without a concept, without a code. But if you take the tears and make a chemical analysis of the tear, you can see why the person cries, because the hormones in the tears show if this person was happy or unhappy or tired or a different reason.

Kakinuma: Yes, even if we feel happy, we cry!

Inge Andersen: Yes, exactly.

Kakinuma: Exactly, yes.

Eric Andersen: It is the only language we have without code. Laughing is a very clear code, and the verbal language is a very clear code. But crying is a language without a code.

Kakinuma: AY-O did the laughing piece. You did the crying piece. Interesting!

Eric Andersen: So, I had these crying spaces all over the world, but I wanted a permanent. I tried airports or train stations to have a crying space for people. When they were leaving each other, they could go and cry together. But nobody wanted it. And then finally there was a church in Denmark that has been turned into an art center like Judson Church in New York. And they said in Copenhagen, “Okay, we will make a permanent crying space.” So, there is a permanent crying space in the Nikolaj Church. Now, it’s called Nikolaj Art Center. But it is an old church in Copenhagen.

Kakinuma: Okay.

Eric Andersen: And I can also send you photos of this.

Kakinuma: Great! There are many pieces that I don’t know—could you mention especially about these works?

Eric Andersen: It’s called the Sun Lawn, this lawn that turns towards the sun. You can go on www.thesunlawn.org.

Kakinuma: Okay.

Eric Andersen: Go on the internet, there’s a video with the Sun Lawn.

Kakinuma: Thank you. Okay. In 2012, 50th anniversary of Fluxus was held in Wiesbaden and you participated in it. What did you do in that festival?

Eric Andersen: It was old pieces. It was a museum that wanted to have only the old pieces. They didn’t want new pieces.

Kakinuma: Classical Fluxus pieces.

Eric Andersen: It was 50 years anniversary, so only classical pieces. I had a number of classical pieces. One is that I whisper into the ear of somebody, and then it is used like a loudspeaker, the person shouts out what I whispered into the ear. It’s a piece where everybody has one letter of the alphabet, 26 persons, each with the sound of a letter, and then they pronounce the sound that they wanted, and in this way suddenly words will appear out of this kind of alphabetic soup.
What else did I do then? We all did two- or three-year-old pieces. Alison was there. Ben Vautier was there. Ben Patterson, Willem de Ritter, and so on. So, there were quite old pieces. And it’s really funny that all these works that were never meant to be repertoire that now people are so crazy with them that they have become repertoire. But it was never the intention that they should be a repertoire. You should always make new pieces for new people.

Kakinuma: But this piece you did is—you did it in Wiesbaden too at the 30th anniversary.

Eric Andersen: This was done in Wiesbaden too in ’92, yes.

Kakinuma: So this is kind of classical repertoire?

Eric Andersen: Yes. It is one of the best pieces by George Maciunas. Now he’s dead, so we cannot make new pieces.

Kakinuma: Okay. You involved music in your works as you did this time, like you presented two pieces of your own and you use music for both, right? What do you think is a role of music or sound in the works by Fluxus artists?

Eric Andersen: I don’t think music has a specific position. It goes along with all the other media that is a part of the intermedia. We have sound. We have feature images.

Kakinuma: You said something about music.

Eric Andersen: The interesting thing about music is it is time-based.

Kakinuma: Yes, that’s it.

Eric Andersen: And this is a very important part of intermedia that it has to be time-based, not necessarily to use sound or use music, but the piece itself has to be time-based. So, it never has a fixed form, it can always change and take a new appearance, still being the same piece. It’s a new understanding of art. It’s very interesting actually because it is a new understanding and a very open understanding.
Art before 1750 was not divided into music, painting, sculpture, and so on. It was Baumgarten, the German philosopher, who wrote the book Aesthetica. He was the first person to define the genre of art. And that goes together with the industrial revolution of course because the main dogma of the industrial revolution is the standard. You cannot have an industrial process without a standard. Art had to become a standard too. So, art become this stereotype personal expression of artists for the next 200 years. And then in 1950, a new understanding of art suddenly appeared. I think it had to do with the Second World War. But the Second World War was so terrible, so horrific that people said to themselves, “We cannot go on in the same way. We have to invent the world in a new way, and also art has to be understood in a new way.”
If you went back to the time before 1750 and said art is not objects, art is communication. And communication is always time-based. So, we don’t want to make artifacts, we don’t want to produce art, we want to experience art and communicate art. This is intermedia, the core of intermedia, that art is communication and not production. That’s why it’s time-based. So, it’s not necessarily music, but it could be sound, it could be color, it could be many different things, dance or it could be interactions and participation. I think this is a very important part—you’ve have to have something on the wall that is framed or something that is changed even by looking at it, it takes a new shape. That’s a core thing, the time-based aspect.

Kakinuma: And Fluxus artists often involved time in their works, that is very characteristic.

Eric Andersen: That is very essential. Each work doesn’t have a final shape. Everything is under progress.

Kakinuma: Yes, so that is maybe Fluxus flowing, always changing. So in that sense, Fluxus is a nice word, don’t you think?

Eric Andersen: Fluxus is very nice word.

Mrs Andersen:
Yes, a perfect word.

Kakinuma: Perfect word!

Eric Andersen: Gino Di Maggio is a wonderful Italian curator. He made a Fluxus section in the Biennale in Venice in 1990. It was called Ubi Fluxus Ibi Motus. It’s Latin, and it means where there’s no change there’s no life. And this was found on the wall in Pompeii 2,000 years ago.

Kakinuma: Really?!

Eric Andersen: Yes.

Kakinuma: That’s interesting.

Eric Andersen: Pompeii in the year 100…

Kakinuma: The Book of Changes, the Chinese, says the same thing. John Cage was impressed by that book. Same thing!

Eric Andersen: Yes.

Kakinuma: Wow! That’s very, very interesting!

Eric Andersen: So, Fluxus is 2,000 years old.

Kakinuma: Great! That’s a good story. I would like to ask one thing about European Fluxus Movement. Copenhagen is one of the Fluxus centers in Europe. Do you think there is a difference between Fluxus in Europe and Fluxus in New York?

Eric Andersen: No.

Kakinuma: No difference?

Eric Andersen: No. There’s a difference from each artist. Dick Higgins is completely different from Ben Vautier. Alison Knowles is completely different from Wolf Vostell. Willem de Ritter is completely different from me. And Tomas Schmit is completely different from…

Kakinuma: So, it’s the difference of each artist, not the cities.

Eric Andersen: Yes, from each artist, absolutely. And you cannot say there’s something specific for New York or specific for Berlin or specific for Venice and so on. It is the artists that are completely different. It’s not because it’s accidentally different, it’s because we want to be different. We each want to be different from each other, so we never become a group or a band or a design. That’s very important for us.

Kakinuma: But each [Fluxus] artist kind of throw away their ego.

Eric Andersen: Some artists have a very strong ego.

Kakinuma: Yes, they still keep ego, but through collaboration they throw away their ego too. So, that’s very interesting.

Eric Andersen: Some of us want to throw away the ego and say that the work we’re doing is not really our work. We’re just an instrument in this work, but we have no ego. But then some artists like Ben Vautier, he’s saying art is all about ego, the only work he’s doing is himself. So, he is the ego. Also in this sense, we are very different, somebody doesn’t want the ego and somebody wants the ego.

Kakinuma: Okay. You mentioned about arte strumentale. What does it mean?

Eric Andersen: It was something I started in—actually the first work I made was not called arte strumentale, but it was called “Handy Art,” something you do with your hands.
And then, when I did this work in Italy, I called it arte strumentale because I lived in Italy in the ’90s, so I used this term arte strumentale where art is a kind of instrument you use for different purposes. This was also a work I did in 1961, but I had a big—this is like 6 m x 2 m or something like that. And on this part of this big plate, there were different kinds of things you could use to form wood, different kind of tools, so you could saw them, you could shave them in different shapes, you could polish them, you could cut them into pieces and so on and so on. And then here on a platform, after you’ve treated this piece of wood in a way you preferred, you put it there and then there was a gun there, and then you took the corner and then you could shoot at it. So, you made a workshop and a shooting gallery. This was an interactive piece where audience could do their own work, you just supplied them with instruments and with woods. And so the audience, they had to go and make their own artwork with all these tools and then they could shoot at it afterwards to shape it at a distance. So, this part was with the hand and this part is with the distance.

Kakinuma: What are these?

Eric Andersen: These are shelves with different kind of tools and with woods. But I could send you a photo of it.

Kakinuma: Okay.

Inge Andersen: You know, book shelves.

Kakinuma: Shelves?!

Inge Andersen: Yes.

Eric Andersen: Shelves with different kinds of tools and different kinds of wood, so you could work there like in a workshop, like in a place where you shape wood. And then this is a shooter gallery where you could put the object and then shoot at it.

Kakinuma: This is arte strumentale.

Eric Andersen: Yes. This work is now in the best museum of intermedia in the whole world. It is in a museum in Spain in Malpartida.

Kakinuma: Which city?

Eric Andersen: Malpartida.

Inge Andersen: Extremadura province, not so far away from Madrid.

Eric Andersen: In this museum, Gino Di Maggio from Milano has put the most important work from his collection and deposited it in this museum. So, this is the most important collection of intermedia in the whole world. Everybody should go to Malpartida and see intermedia. It’s in the middle of a desert.

Inge Andersen: Very strange.

Kakinuma: The museum?

Eric Andersen: Yes.

Inge Andersen: This collection is also Wolf Vostell, one of the Fluxus artists.

Kakinuma: Who?

Eric Andersen: From Germany.

Inge Andersen: Wolf Vostell.

Kakinuma: Interesting! This might be the last question. What is your next project?

Eric Andersen: Apart from going to—Centre Pompidou has made a new museum in a town called Metz in France, and I’m going there to make a performance in early June, these kind of things, traveling around like here in Tokyo to do performances and so on. But the first major work is in a gallery in Copenhagen, with the opening on August 22, where I have a marble, it’s called Headrest. It’s a marble that is shaved, so you can put your head inside and then you can rest your head.

Kakinuma: Not for crying, but for sleeping.

Eric Andersen: So, resting. And apart from—you can go to this gallery and rest your head.

Inge Andersen: It’s a huge platform.

Eric Andersen: It’s standing on a huge platform where you can lie down very comfortable and put your head inside. Then the gallery offers you that there will be three beautiful girls like with the massage. But these three girls will make a cast of some part of your body to make a copy. You say “Okay, I want the copy of my hand,” and then this copy will be put in the show. So when you get there and you rest your head, you’ll leave behind a part of your body. So, slowly this whole space will be filled with the parts of the spectators who have visited the place. You have to come to Copenhagen in August.

Kakinuma: I want to visit your city.

Eric Andersen: Yes, sure, you’ll have to come there. Then you also can see the Hidden Painting.

Kakinuma: Yes, I want to see it.

Eric Andersen: Yes. Mihoko came and saw the…

Kakinuma: Oh, really?!

Eric Andersen: Yes, Mihoko came and saw the Hidden Painting. So, you can talk with her about it. It made a very big impression on her.

Kakinuma: Great!

Eric Andersen: But I can send you a few links…

Kakinuma: Yes, thank you.

Eric Andersen: …at the hotel. But the photos I can only send to you from Copenhagen.

Kakinuma: Okay, thank you.

Inge Andersen: Because he left the computer in ___.

Kakinuma: I will transcribe your talk and send it to you, and you can correct if there are mistakes.

Eric Andersen: No, I don’t think you make mistakes.

Kakinuma: I will, yes.

Eric Andersen: But if you have additional questions, just put them to me, especially after you get the photos and the links, and maybe you want something to be elaborated on, anytime.

Kakinuma: I’ve got a research center now starting this month, April. And we will maybe put your interview on the internet. Is that possible?

Eric Andersen: Sure!

Kakinuma: No problem?

Eric Andersen: No. You can do it.

Kakinuma: Because every time we have a problem of copyright. We have to clear the problem sometimes.

Eric Andersen: Yes. In most cases, I don’t care. If it is for research or if it is for paper, it’s okay. If it is for the market, then I’m very expensive.

Kakinuma: No, not like that!

Eric Andersen: When I sell an artwork, I have at least four different kinds of prices. If it’s a friend, it is free.

Inge Andersen: It depends.

Eric Andersen: If it is a friend’s friend, it’s very low cost. If it’s for a collector, it’s a high price. But it’s for a museum, very high price!

Kakinuma: So museum in Copenhagen paid you a lot, maybe.

Eric Andersen: So, there’s no fixed price of the work.

Kakinuma: You don’t have any CD or musical works or?

Eric Andersen: Musical works?

Kakinuma: Yes, or CDs, do you have any CDs or?

Eric Andersen: I have a lot of sounds. I love those sounds. But I’ve never made a CD.

Kakinuma: You’re not selling them?

Eric Andersen: I don’t want to make books and I don’t want to make CD, but I have a lot of video, a lot of sound projects. One of the most famous of my sound pieces is a piece I made in ’64. It consists of this sentence, I have confidence in you, then the alphabet—if you measure the number of letters in the English alphabets, it’s exactly the same number of letters you have in the sentence, I have confidence in you. This was the score, and I gave it to a symphony orchestra, the Danish Royal Symphony orchestra, and they played it for 12 minutes—wonderful piece!

Inge Andersen: Yes, that was the only—there were no notes.

Eric Andersen: 1964.

Kakinuma: Wow! I’d have to hear it.

Eric Andersen: Yes, I have the tape of course. And this piece has been performed many times by different orchestras. I have a wonderful recording from 1990 in Biennale in Venezia, with Mieko Shiomi!

Kakinuma: Oh, really?! What did she do?

Eric Andersen: She was playing electronic piano together with—at the same time in Biennale there was a big symposium with students from conservatories from all over Italy. They came to Venice to have this big symposium. I said to them, “Do you want to play this piece?” And I think 20 students came with electronic instruments and played together with Mieko Shiomi for—I think it was 30 or 40 minutes. I have this tape too.

Kakinuma: Great!

Eric Andersen: Yes! Ask Mieko, she will remember.

Kakinuma: Yes, I’ll ask her. There’s no written score?

Eric Andersen: Only I have confidence in you and the alphabet, these are the scores.

Kakinuma: Amazing!

Eric Andersen: And it sounds wonderful!

Kakinuma: Great!

Eric Andersen: The sound of this piece is producing cannot be composed. Nobody can write down what people have in mind that I have in confidence. Nobody can write this down as a score. It only happens in the minds of the people, and then very wonderful sounds appear automatically out of this piece.

Kakinuma: I wonder how they performed.

Eric Andersen: Yes, you’ll hear it!

Kakinuma: Very interesting!

Eric Andersen: Yes. You can ask Mieko about it how she performed.

Kakinuma: Yes, I’ll ask her. Thank you. Thank you so much!

Eric Andersen: Yes, you’re welcome!

Kakinuma: Very interesting!

Eric Andersen: I will send you some stuff.

Kakinuma: Yes, thank you.

Eric Andersen: But it would take two weeks. Is that okay?

Kakinuma: Yes, it’s okay. Thank you so much.

